Challenge 2000 is a responsive, lets-do-it agency that is there when needed, across the Wellington Region.
And we need many more hands and hearts to make our community, city, country and globe healthier, better, more just and equitable places and spaces.
There are many, many ways you can help us change lives and transform spaces. Donations come in many forms and we welcome them all!
Whether it be money, time or sponsorship for our young people and families we are very grateful for all your support. Ways you can help us include:
- Volunteering your time, skill, resources
- Emailing your friends/business colleagues/family members asking them to support our work or the work of other charities and change-organisations
- Becoming informed about Te Tiriti and what needs to change in Aotearoa New Zealand to put past wrongs right
- Donating that used bike, trampoline, bike, computer that is still okay and can be re-used
- Reading and learning about poverty, homelessness, family violence and finding out ways to change our policies and systems so that everyone has enough
- Deciding to follow a career in youth work, social work, nursing, mental health, medicine, social policy, politics or community work so that we have enough trained/qualified/committed helping-professionals in our country
- Donating food or toiletries for out food bank or petrol or supermarket vouchers we can gift to whanau in need
- Donating directly to support all the different services we offer:
- Account name: Challenge 2000 Trust
- Account number: 01-0519-0057660-00
If you are willing and able to help, please get in touch with us or another agency.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Anthropologist Margaret Mead (1901-1978)
If you would like to volunteer we would love to hear from you! Check out our volunteers section to see all the different areas you can get involved in!