Day 1 – Sports-a-thon!!!!
Our first school holiday programme was a hit! We were fortunate to have a fabulous sunny day and we took advantage of it at St Brigid’s school grounds. We started off the day at Challenge 2000 Youth and Family Centre – there were 35 young people who came along to participate and have fun! We had the push play trailer from Sport Wellington, and had set up three different games – Touch rugby, Netball and Uni Hockey.

Split into small groups to help people get to know one another

Lined up in order of age!
By lunch time we had all worked up a massive appetite and lucky for us our amazing Trish had worked tirelessly to create 120 delicious ham buns!! We had a splendid lunch break, had our fill, and some people relaxed, ready for the afternoon, while other got into skipping, even double dutch, some played basketball, and others played a game of touch.

D E L I C I O U S !
After lunch, we broke up into different groups, some played volleyball, badminton, skipping, swing ball and Lape! The push play trailer had so many games for us to choose from and we did our best to play as many as we could! Throughout the day we kept putting on the sun screen to keep us safe as we played til our hearts were content. Everyone had such a fabulous time and and were all very tired at the end of the day.
Thank you to Sport Wellington for the Push Play trailer, St Brigid’s for letting us use their school grounds, the young people for giving everything a go, staff and volunteers for all their support and to Trish for our yummy rolls! We are all looking forward to our Friday Fun Day! Keep an eye out to see what else we get up to at our Holiday Programmes!