Holiday Programmes

Challenge 2000 will be holding Holiday Programmes these holidays:

Tuesday 7th April, for young people aged 10-13 years old,  at the Johnsonville Community Centre (Trust Room above the Hall) from 10am – 3pm.

Tuesday 14th April, for young people aged 5-9 years old.

Friday 17th April, for young people aged 13-16 years old.

If you would like to find out more information about these days, please contact Bridget Masoe on 477 0045.



Wellingtonians……Thank you thank you thank you – Street Day Appeal 2014

“Wellingtonians….Thank you thank you thank you…………….

thank you very much for your kind donations thank you very, very much”

Friday September 5 was a cool little day in the Capital and yet our amazing collectors turned out with warm smiles to do their bit. Then through the streets and Malls walked generous Wellingtonians opening wallets and purses to support children, young people and their families.

On the day you GAVE $10,500 and some said the cheque was in the mail or would internet bank….so it’s a great total and climbing – thank you.

The reality is that life is difficult for people at some time in their life.

The reality also is that Kiwis are a generous people and we all do our bit to reach out and help others when we can.

Challenge 2000 is a community based Wellington organisation that has existed for 26 years because we are supported by YOU.

Thanks – you enable us to make a difference.


Heart shots of the Day:

Thorndon New World:

A little girl aged about five to six – looking at the Challenge boards and then getting her coins out of her purse and putting them in the bucket to help other children.

Vocal FX:

Busking in the Railway station and gathering a large audience who found the guys singing and style so attractive that they gave lots of money and video’d on phones – check out you tube J.

Johnsonville Mall:

A Returned serviceman who after careful questioning and consideration gave a sizeable donation applauding the young collectors on how they are serving today. He said it made him proud.

Lambton Quay:

The businessmen who gave $50.00 and thanked the collecting Youth Worker for her willingness to actually do something to improve society rather than just talk about it.

The Rongotai College young man who was walking by, saw what Challenge was about and volunteered on the spot.

Railway Station and Thorndon:

All The College students – St Patrick’s Town and Stream and St Mary’s who got out of bed early to do their bit and then who stayed at their posts regardless of the cold, rainy weather.

Johnsonville Main Road:

The mother of seven grown up children who collected without a break for five hours – to tautoko her Challenge whanau.

Back room supporters:

The volunteers who gave up their day to count the money, bag it and steer the pick ups and gauge trends.


ALL the Challenge Staff, Board members, volunteers – current and past who did your bit to make the day successful – THANK YOU.

LOVE works.

“The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.”

~ John Burrowes

Pictured below is Gerard Tully, the rector of St. Pat’s Silverstream, and one of his generous students, Freeman Rae, giving their time today.Collectors 2014

Also pictured below, Angela Brounts, Challenge 2000 board member with past board member Sally Munro.

Also pictured below, Anna Hoskins, past Gap student.

Collectors 2014
Collector 2014

Car Wash Fundraiser

On Saturday 16th November we will have a team of car washers in the Remax car park, 18 Moorefield Road (by our admin building), with buckets, sponges, cleaning supplies and big smiles ready to clean cars! If you, your family or friends have a car please come on down and support us, it’s only $5 per car!!

If you have any questions re this event, please contact Bridget Masoe on 477 0045.



Holiday Programmes

Day 1 – Sports-a-thon!!!!

Our first school holiday programme was a hit! We were fortunate to have a fabulous sunny day and we took advantage of it at St Brigid’s school grounds. We started off the day at Challenge 2000 Youth and Family Centre – there were 35 young people who came along to participate and have fun! We had the push play trailer from Sport Wellington, and had set up three different games – Touch rugby, Netball and Uni Hockey.

Split into small groups to help people get to know one another

Split into small groups to help people get to know one another

Lined up in order of age!

Lined up in order of age!

By lunch time we had all worked up a massive appetite and lucky for us our amazing Trish had worked tirelessly to create 120 delicious ham buns!! We had a splendid lunch break, had our fill, and some people relaxed, ready for the afternoon, while other got into skipping, even double dutch, some played basketball, and others played a game of touch.

D E L I C I O U S !

D E L I C I O U S !

After lunch, we broke up into different groups, some played volleyball, badminton, skipping, swing ball and Lape! The push play trailer had so many games for us to choose from and we did our best to play as many as we could! Throughout the day we kept putting on the sun screen to keep us safe as we played til our hearts were content. Everyone had such a fabulous time and and were all very tired at the end of the day.

Thank you to Sport Wellington for the Push Play trailer, St Brigid’s for letting us use their school grounds, the young people for giving everything a go, staff and volunteers for all their support and to Trish for our yummy rolls! We are all looking forward to our Friday Fun Day! Keep an eye out to see what else we get up to at our Holiday Programmes!

NetballTouch RugbyUni HockeySkipping time Long Ball

Holiday Programme – Games Day

Holiday Programme at Newlands Community Centre

Starting the day with a "Bang"

The Challenge 2000 holiday programmes at Newlands Community Centre began yesterday, Tuesday 06 July, with Games Day! There were 22 young people who ranged in age from 9 to 16 years old. We played games like: Balloon Stomp, A boat came into the Harbour (which tested everyone’s singing skills), Bang and Snakes and Ladders – to name but a few. In the afternoon we watched a movie to finish off a great day! Fun was had by all – couldn’t say who enjoyed it more, the staff or young people – but I do know that we are looking forward to Friday’s holiday programme, which incidentally is fully booked.

Bridget Masoe

Our Favourite game of the day

Thinking of songs - hard but fun game!

Another way of playing Snakes and Ladders

July Holiday Programme

 Challenge 2000 Newlands Community Centre

 Holiday Programme!

Amazing Race Holiday Programme

Challenge 2000 are running 3 days of holiday programmes at Newlands Community Centre.

Your child will need to sign up before the day as the spaces are limited. The age range is 9—16 yrs old.

All programmes will be from 10am until 4pm. The cost will be $5 per child.


  • Tuesday 6 July—Games Day
  • Friday 9 July – Day Out and About
  • Tuesday 13 July— Wacky Olympics

If you would like more information regarding these holiday programmes, please contact Bridget Masoe either by email: OR phone: 477 6827