Mana Leadership Camp

Makahika Outdoor Centre was the place to be in the second week of the school holidays, as six lucky Challenge 2000 staff facilitated a leadership camp for young leaders. With Andy Murray as team leader – we knew we were in for a fun and challenging camp- we were not disappointed!

We were met with rain the first two days, hot milos and a spot by the fire were in high demand, not to mention badminton racquets- as a week-long competition started up.

These first two days were focussed on looking at who we were- what makes us who we are? In the hectic society that we live in today, it’s easy to go through life and neglect to spend time asking ourselves these important questions. Life is so busy, and its easy sometimes to ignore them.

We reflected on our lives so far with several sessions throughout the two days which included an art activity, group work and sharing. We were really proud of how willing and respectful the young leaders were with each other over these two days.

The third day saw us embark on a day long tramp. Our young leaders took turns leading the group along the way. Obstacles along the track meant the group really had to work as a team to make sure everyone was alright- it’s important to remember that asking for help is ok, and that with a supportive team around you- you can achieve big things!!

The fourth day brought a new challenge to the young leaders…high ropes activities!! The day was filled with: Flying fox, Team-building activities, Rock climbing, Abseiling and high ropes at the end of the day. It was awesome to see the young leaders practise the skill learnt so far, support each other, overcome fears and celebrate success!!

The Leadership Camp finished off with a bonfire (and a few packets of marshmallows) as we looked forward to what the next step was as young leaders of our families, schools, communities, iwi, country, and beyond!

On behalf of everyone that attended, thank you to the Mana Community Grants for your support and helping to make this happen. Thank you to those that stepped up and joined the camp – you are leaders today, your family and your country looks to you.

Community Service


There is another side of Challenge 2000, which is constant and perhaps less obvious. There are families and people who live alone for whom Challenge is a place of comfort, a place to belong. Challenge can take the place of grandparents or siblings or church community. These people have often fallen on hard times and their lives are tinged with a sense of hopelessness. They know they can ring the Challenge House at any time – to talk, or to ask for practical help. This may be in the form of advocacy, translation, letter writing or transport to appointments. More importantly they know they will always find a listening heart and willingness to search for a way out of current difficulties to wholeness.

Challenge 2000 older volunteers and youth workers continue to live the Challenge dream of being light and hope in dark places. This is our job.

Easter at Newlands Community Centre

easter eggsOn Friday 15th of April Challenge 2000 held the Newlands Community Centre Easter Egg Hunt. It was the last day of the school term and pouring down with rain but plenty of young people turned up to join in the festivities. We had 9 teams tied together by the legs, stumbling and crawling around the Newlands Community Centre as they raced to collect tokens to be redeemed for eggs. Everyone enjoyed themselves and a sweet chocolate egg or two.

It was a great way to end the terms after school activity programme that had seen 527 youth visits! A big thanks to Donna and Hinetai, the Newlands Community Centre staff and all those Youth Workers and Trainee Youth Workers involved that helped make it an outstanding term.

Celebration Time

Kitty McKinley with the Governor General Sir Anand Satyanand

Kitty McKinley the founder of Challenge 2000 and a Social Worker for 35 years, was recognised for her Services to Youth and the Community in the New Years Honours and received this award at Government House in April.

Kitty is a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit.

She says: “it is a privilege to receive this award and an honour to be part of so many peoples’ lives over so many years. Throughout my life I have received far more than I have given and it has been absolutely amazing to share deeply in the   pain, grief, achievements and hopes of so many people from every sector of society. Love works and it does change lives, systems and communities if you just keep on doing it and never give up. A team or community of people who are passionate about serving their country and by doing the little things one after the other, day after day, week after week do make a difference.

I am so grateful to all the current and past staff and board members and supporters of Challenge who have made me look good and who have served generously and selflessly! So many people just turn up and give what is needed when it is needed – thank you.

There are still so many injustices in our country that must be addressed-  the challenge is to keep on working to make Aotearoa New Zealand what it can be – a place of hope, justice and unity. Let’s keep doing it!!”.



The New, the Old and the Current

The New, the Old and the Current

Challenge 2000 staff continue to provide our usual range of youth and family services including leadership programmes, college retreats, after-school and holiday programmes, youth groups, camps and individual programmes and we have also developed some new initiatives eg our Amorangi Programme and court supervised camps – these being part of their Fresh Start Initiative.

We have stood with young people and families in times of great need and also celebrated their successes.  In the midst of this we have been inspired by the courage, resilience and hope that we have experienced in many people and places.

In the past few months we have farewelled some ‘old faces’- Steve Tamarapa, Kevin Head sm and Tina May Wilkins and we wish them well as they move on to being Challenge whanau elsewhere!!   We have also welcomed some new (and some not so new) people including Ray Ropata, Heath Hutton and our seven Gap year trainees (Joe, Solana, Therese, Andrew, Steve, Sam and Alivia).

In the midst of all the change here at Challenge, we were shocked and grieved by the tragedy of the Christchurch earthquake and subsequently the events in Japan.  As well as offering our support to our family and friends in Christchurch, we have offered our support in the coming months if it is needed for the recovery process.  These events have certainly caused us all to reflect on what is really important in life and have given the team at Challenge a renewed sense of purpose.

We have an amazingly talented, dedicated team of staff and volunteers who are willing to do what it takes each day to make a difference.  We are excited about the year ahead, one which promises to be full of many adventures.  If you would like to join us on one of these adventures, you can start by marking on your calendars Sunday 29 May as the date for our annual Quiz night.   Look forward to seeing you there!

Bridget Roche


Thanks for our new van!

50% of our young people participating in our programmes do not have access to private transport  or enough money to pay for public transport. Others are not safe to travel and need to be collected from home or their care givers place. Our camps and youth development programmes also need a van or two to transport participants – not to mention our sports, cultural and drama teams!!!

So thank you to those that have helped us to get another van!!!


Helping us to help others:

My name is Manu I’m 21 years of age and have been a full time employee at Challenge 2000 for a few years. My role at C2K is not only a youth worker but someone who helps out on work projects. We as a team try to raise funds for C2K by doing jobs for others, but we also give a lending hand when needed such as mowing lawns, removing rubbish or just odd jobs for people that can’t do some things for themselves. We do a large range of work from tree work to building decks and retaining walls.  I also help out at camps and do some sports and recreational activities with young people. All this is impossible without wheels – Thank you!!.



Community Works Team

Andy Murray

Andy Murray our works supervisor viewing his work!

Challenge’s Community Works Team are firing on all cylinders. So far in 2011 the team have built fences, mowed lawns, prepared tonnes of firewood, assembled and dismantled countless marquee’s for Wellington’s biggest summer events, moved people from point A to Z and everywhere in between, and much much more.

For many years Challenge has been running a community works team that help teach young people critical work skills. At the same time these young people earn some money and get valuable work experience for future careers. We also carry out work for you to the highest professional standard.

Do you have any work that needs to be done? Lawns mowed, hedges trimmed, trees removed, fences and retaining walls built? Does your house need a wash or perhaps you’ve wanted to paint for a while? Would a deck add value to your house?

Please contact us for a professional and competitive quote email or 477 6827. As an agency committed to social justice we are also happy to help those that are not in a financial position to pay for services.

Celebrate our Founder’s Award!

Kitty McKinley will recive an honour from the Governor General of New Zealand on 14 April. Challenge 2000 is throwing her a simple party, Friday 15 April, to celebrate this very important recognition. Join us at Connolly Hall 5:30 – 8:30pm.


GAP YEAR 2011!


In 2011 Challenge 2000 and the Society of Mary are again offering a Gap Year programme for young people in between College and their next step – work, study, or uni. This full time project involves NZQA training, work experience and placement in a community agency that supports participants career aspirations and future realities. During the Gap Year participants will build up each of the elements required for a balanced life: Work, Social, Personal, Spiritual, Intellectual and Physical dimensions. This yearly programme is exciting and rewarding and makes a big difference both to the participants and those they get a chance to serve. If you are interested find out more now……

So what do our Gap participants think about it so far!!

Talofa lava my name is Andrew Solomona. I am originally from Auckland and have come down to Wellington to take part in the Challenge 2000 Marist Gap Year programme. So far this experience and the opportunities that I have been given have been tremendously rewarding. During my first week at Challenge I was fortunate enough to attend a Social Justice hui where people working in different sorts of Justice fields spoke about how they are doing their bit to make a difference – it was a great learning experience.

The following week I helped with the Saint Patrick’s College Silverstream retreat, which gave me an insight into what it is like to be a leader and role model for young males. Through this I gained many leadership skills with the help of Andy Murray, James Van Schie and Heath Hutton. One of the nights on the retreat we had inspirational speakers share with us, two of these were Tim Duckworth and Matt Crawford. These talks really challenged me and opened my eyes to a number of issues we have in our world today. The next week I and the other five Gap students were lucky enough to spend three days in Kuratau on a camp lead by Kitty and Andy. These days were packed with adventure and reflective discussions. During this first term I have also helped out on a four day camp and also have worked on missions – doing things like building fences, chopping fire wood and doing lawns for older people. We also have lots of talks and have also gone around seeing great things in Wellington – it has been really awesome. This Gap Year programme is the best thing that ever happened to me and there’s a lot left to experience.

My name is Alivia Bowe and I am part of the Gap year programme at Challenge 2000. I have come from New Plymouth and have recently moved down to Wellington to become part of the Challenge team. During my first term at C2K I have been fortunate enough to help run a girls group at Porirua College and help the School Social Worker out at Bishop Viard College. I regularly visit an elderly lady and do odd jobs for her like supermarket shopping or pick up extra medication for her. I have also been organising and running sports games at Newlands Community Centre every Monday afternoon. Each of these have been a real eye opener for me as all of this is a new experience. I’m looking forward to the rest of the year and cannot wait for what lies ahead!


Interested in finding out more?

Contact Kitty McKinley at Challenge 2000: Phone: (04) 477 6827


Vodafone World of Difference Awards

Challenge 2000’s James van Schie was presented with a Vodafone World of Difference Gem Award at Parliament House on Tuesday 23 November. The award was presented by the Hon Paula Bennett, Minister of Social Development, Employment, and Youth Affairs.

James receiving the Vodafone World of Difference Gem Award.

The Gem award will pay James’ salary for a period of 3 months. During this time, James hopes to develop and implement a fundraising plan that secures Challenge’s long term sustainability.

James is pretty excited about the opportunity. “I am really looking forward to this project. Challenge offers a unique and critical service to young people and their families and I am chuffed to be able to help this continue.”

If you encounter James any time soon don’t be surprised or offended if he talks to you about a donation.

On the subject, would you like to make a donation to Challenge 2000? Click here to help.