Life Skills Group

Visit to the Compassion Centre

During Social Justice Week our Life Skill’s group went on a trip to see some social justice in action. A number of young people with a couple of Challenge staff were welcomed in to the Soup Kitchen by the friendly staff. We had a tour of the Tory St building. The massive fridge and pantry were full of donations from all over the city. Later the group sat down to have a discussion. We talked about who visits the Centre for meals and why they come. The staff shared a story of a regular dinner guest. It became clear to the group that people get put in situations where they don’t always have choices. We all counted ourselves very lucky to have the freedom to make everyday decisions.

Over all, the visit was a great learning experience. It is awesome to see people doing their bit to help others. A big thanks to the team at the Compassion Centre for having us!

Check out their Facebook and brand new website



Quiz Night 2012

Many thanks for your support for our 2012 Quiz Night.  Check out the photos.

A huge thank you to all who so generously donated their goods, time and services to the successful running of our annual quiz night.  It was the best quiz night ever.

Thanks to all who came along and made it such a fun night.

Special thanks also to the RSA for hosting us.  Many team members took the opportunity to eat at the RSA restaurant before kick-off.


Quiz Night Fun


Peter Dunne and some of his team – loyal supporters


The Gathered Crowd


Alex Ness our MC challenging the teams!


Giving the brain a breather!!


Are you sure you have that right!!


Old school friends!


Can I have the winning ticket?!!


Awaiting the next question!


Our host for the night – thanks RSA


A light moment between sessions!


What do you reckon?








Service Day

Big thanks to everyone who gave up a day of their holiday time and came along to the Service Day on Tuesday 3rd July. First up, the young people from a range of our programmes got together and ate some breakfast before heading out into the Challenge garden. When lunch time rolled around the place was looking tidier than it has in a long time! After lunch the group split off to do different acts of service. Groups missioned to Karori Cemetery to tidy up the graves, to a Challenge supporter’s house to help out around the garden and to a family home to hang out with a refugee family.

The group came back together later in the day and shared food, which was important after a hard days work.  Some input about the duty of service as a citizen followed, together with sharing some good thoughts and we were all encouraged to actively serve more in their everyday life.  Then at the end of the day all concerned reflected on their service in a debrief session.




Sweet Success!

Last Term two eager young men explored their inner Master Chef in an 8 week Cooking Programme. They learned many recipes including honey soy chicken kebabs, spaghetti bolognaise, chicken chow mein, pizza, chicken wraps, homemade burgers and wedges and in the final week with the help of a real Master Chef we made 2 dishes of savoury scones and cupcakes!

Thank you to Newlands Commmunity Centre for hosting us in your kitchen and to all the people who have come past the kitchen to see what we have been making each week – we hope you enjoyed tasting what we made!

Hawkes Bay Challenge 2000

 Challenge 2000 in the Hawkes Bay has been very busy… some of the things that they have been up to this month include:
  • Youth Mass  – was held on 15 July at 5pm. It was followed by a supper at 6pm at St Thomas More’s Parish. The theme was SAY YES! Thanks to those that did SAY YES and came along.
  • Confirmation Leaders Retreat in Kuratau happened during the school holidays on 12 – 14 July. This was to help prepare our young leaders to lead and journey with the confirmation group towards making the commitment of Confirmation. 
  • School holiday programme in Napier and Hastings (one day each) happened on Monday and Tuesday 9 & 10 July. Lots of fun was had by the young people and leaders!
Coming up in the Hawkes Bay:

  • Confirmation programme is about to get under way – people need to contact their Parish Office for a registration form.
  • Confirmation 2012 promises to be a journey of faith, new challenges and some fun thrown in! 
If you would like any further information about any of these events please contact Luke or Manisha on 021 657 115.



Challenge 2000 in partnership with the Society of Mary

introduce the Gap Year 2013!


Gaps 2013

Back Row (L-R):  Jacob Bang; Hakaraia Jacobs; Damien Don; Junior Seumanufagai

Front Row (L-R):  Courtney Halliday; Siata Apolo;  Anya Hodge; Anna Hoskins


What is this Gap year? It is a one year programme that involves holistic formation, NZQA youth work training, work placements, experiences, and local and international travel. The Gap Year offers the chance to develop the social, spiritual, intellectual, employment, well-being and physical elements that are required for a positive, successful and balanced life. You can also gain some extras to get you ready including your drivers license, first-aid certificate, and technology training!

If you require any information about the Marist Challenge 2000 Gap Programme please call Heath Hutton at Challenge 2000 on (04) 477 0045, or 027 329 3270. Or you can email us at


The Gap Year 2013 began on Monday 11 February at midday with a powhiri to welcome our new Gap students. There were a lot of nervous faces but the young people and family member presented themselves strongly, with an impressive speech from Hakaraia and a waiata: “Ka Waiata”. Following the powhiri, everyone gathered into the front room to witness the unveiling of the new names that have been carved into the Challenge 2000 carving depicting its whakapapa. Those who had their names added to the carving had been invited to be part of the unveiling and it was great to see the mix of old and new faces.

The first week was a mixture of induction, introduction, fun, team building, familiarisation and education about codes of conduct, boundaries and just getting to know the who, what, when, why and how.


The First 5 Weeks!

Since the powhiri for the Gap students they have been well and truly immersed in the life and challenges of the Challenge Whanau.

Gap participants have already:

  • assisted with after school programmes
  • participated in a camp for young people
  • cleaned up and tidied home and sections
  • sung at events
  • helped with community street day appeal
  • planned and facilitated a Childrens Day event
  • learnt how to work on retreats in Gisborne
  • shifted an office or two
  • completed a First Aid Course
  • played sport with young people
  • acted in a drama
  • begun their Youth Work Certificates
  • mentored and tutored
  • learnt and been on a retreat
  • catered and provided hospitality
  • made posters, painted and sculpted!

Plus lots more!!

If you would like to know more about how to support the Gap programme, sponsor a participant or have a “gappie” help your work, then contact Heath Hutton on (04) 477 0045








Good News Story

During the week we received two unexpected donation towards the van – one from a retired Johnsonville resident who called in to wish us well having heard about our work and wanting to support us.  The other unexpected donation was from a longtime supporter of Challenge 2000.

COMPASS Youth Group

COMPASS is Challenge 2000’s youth development and leadership programme for 2012.

We began on Sunday the 29th of April and every Sunday for the next three months we meet at St Joseph’s in Mt Vic from 5pm until 7pm.

COMPASS focuses on issues that young people need and want to hear about. We will talk about what it means to be a Kiwi, social justice in the world and our country, relationships, faith and of course there is a camp to look forward to. It really is a great place for young people to find connections and a sense of belonging.

Our target age range is between 14 and 17 but a year either way suits us! COMPASS also functions as a Sacramental programme so if you know any young people looking to take part in any of the Sacraments send them our way.

Challenge 2000 have the capacity to pick young people up and drop them off if there are a reasonable number coming from the same area. If transport is an issue don’t hesitate to get in contact with us.

Any further questions or queries please feel free to call Thérèse on 477 0045.


Newlands Community Centre

The youth at Newlands Community Centre celebrated ANZAC Day by cooking up a storm! On Friday the 27th of April a group of guys and a group of girls each set out to bake a batch of ANZAC biscuits. Both groups showed great teamwork and problem solving skills. Each came across a different obstacle and managed to come up with a solution which resulted in yumminess! The four trays of golden biscuits smelt amazing and patience was tested all round whilst waiting for them to cool down. They were worth the wait! Looking forward to see what the young people can conjure up next.

ANZAC Mass in Hawkes Bay

Challenge 2000 ANZAC Mass in Hawkes Bay a hit!

On Tuesday afternoon, April 24th, a team of 13 Challenge 2000 people – young and slightly older, jumped into two vehicles and set off for Hawkes Bay.
On ANZAC day, over 150 people, including the Challenge 2000 team and 50 local young people, came along for our first Challenge 2000 event in the Hawkes Bay. Special thanks must go out to Hastings priest, Fr Vince Onesi, who celebrated Mass along with Fr Chris Skinner sm, who directed music and sang his song ‘Sons of Gallipoli’.
The Mass included a great drama by the Challenge 2000 young people, songs in Maori, Tongan and English, and readings from local young people. Some people brought along family treasures including a naval hat from the Achilles, a saddle from WWI, photos, prayer books and flags. After Mass most people gathered to talk over a cup of tea and ANZAC biscuits. This is the start of a new venture for Challenge 2000 so watch this space!