Holiday Programmes

Day 1 – Sports-a-thon!!!!

Our first school holiday programme was a hit! We were fortunate to have a fabulous sunny day and we took advantage of it at St Brigid’s school grounds. We started off the day at Challenge 2000 Youth and Family Centre – there were 35 young people who came along to participate and have fun! We had the push play trailer from Sport Wellington, and had set up three different games – Touch rugby, Netball and Uni Hockey.

Split into small groups to help people get to know one another

Split into small groups to help people get to know one another

Lined up in order of age!

Lined up in order of age!

By lunch time we had all worked up a massive appetite and lucky for us our amazing Trish had worked tirelessly to create 120 delicious ham buns!! We had a splendid lunch break, had our fill, and some people relaxed, ready for the afternoon, while other got into skipping, even double dutch, some played basketball, and others played a game of touch.

D E L I C I O U S !

D E L I C I O U S !

After lunch, we broke up into different groups, some played volleyball, badminton, skipping, swing ball and Lape! The push play trailer had so many games for us to choose from and we did our best to play as many as we could! Throughout the day we kept putting on the sun screen to keep us safe as we played til our hearts were content. Everyone had such a fabulous time and and were all very tired at the end of the day.

Thank you to Sport Wellington for the Push Play trailer, St Brigid’s for letting us use their school grounds, the young people for giving everything a go, staff and volunteers for all their support and to Trish for our yummy rolls! We are all looking forward to our Friday Fun Day! Keep an eye out to see what else we get up to at our Holiday Programmes!

NetballTouch RugbyUni HockeySkipping time Long Ball

Congratulations Magpies!

Challenge 2000 congratulates the Magpies on their Shield win. Challenge 2000 Hawkes Bay were proud to meet you at the airport. Our young people will be there to support you at your games. If you ever need a group of energetic, passionate youth leaders, just contact us and we’ll be there. Go the Bay!

Manisha with Magpie Ged Robinson

Manisha with Magpie Ged Robinson

Le Bernadette speaks at JustSpeak

Le Bernadette Faifua speaks up at JustSpeak Camp

Recently JustSpeak had a camp at Pipitea Marae in Wellington. JustSpeak is a non-partisan network of young people speaking to, and speaking up for a new generation of thinkers who want change in our criminal justice system. One of Challenge 2000’s staff members, Heath Hutton, helps lead this initiative. Many Challenge 2000 staff have been involved in the various events and forums that JustSpeak have held since its beginning in 2011.

Just Speak Camp

JustSpeak Camp 2013 was a unique opportunity for 150 young people to come together to be a part of a new generation of thinkers who want to improve Aotearoa’s criminal justice system. The weekend was envisioned to engage our attendees with justice issues and solutions, to hear from inspiring speakers, develop new skills and to build a JustSpeak community that extended across the whole country.

Bernie Faifua_edited-1

On the Sunday of the camp, Le Bernadette spoke to attendees about her experiences working with young people and their families. She reflected on her work and what the essence of Challenge 2000 is all about. She also shared her personal journey to becoming a qualified social worker, and explained how important the opportunities that she was given by Challenge 2000 were in shaping her journey so far. She gave great insight and deeply moved many of the audience retelling stories and sharing the struggles that she sees each day.

To find more out about JustSpeak you can visit their website at

Leadership Camps

Last holidays we provided two holiday programmes. One was Wellington based and one Wairarapa based. In Wellington 10 young people took part in a 5 day long Leadership and Development Camp. The group headed up to Makahika Outdoor Pursuits Centre where they were challenged from the get-go. From trembling on the high ropes, scaling a natural rock climbing wall and coasting through the bush on a flying fox, the young people were tested in various ways.

There were team building exercises where the young people needed to use a range of problem solving skills and work as a team. Throughout the camp, each young person was given the opportunity to step into a leadership role and put some of their new found skills to practice. It was amazing to see they all shone as leaders, supported fellow leaders and surprised themselves as they took the opportunities presented to them, faced and overcame some of their biggest fears over the length of the camp.

The young people also took part in reflecting on personality types, their own leadership styles and were able to identify both strengths and areas of improvement in their interactions. As part of their reflection time, the young people were allowed space to try and better understand themselves and how they interact and work with others.

On the way home to Wellington, with just enough energy, the team stopped off to have few fun games of Laser Strike before returning home exhausted, but ready to take on new leadership roles in their communities.

In Carterton we facilitated a programme based at St Mary’s Carterton – the days went quickly with games, cooking, competitions, paiting, movies and even a pool even in the warm Wairarapa!


Supporting others as they climb the wall

Working as a team to get the job done!

Feeling the fear but doing it anyway!Overcast day doesn't stop them from facing their fear on the high ropes!











Carterton Holiday Programme

Carterton Holiday Programme

painting activityThese holiday programmes are an awesome opportunity for children and young people to have fun and to learn for youth volunteers to gain leadership skills and understand the principles and realities of service and for older volunteers to support, drive and teach skills they have learnt over a life time. Parents also enjoy the break and knowing that their children are safe, happy and being challenged.

Holiday Programmes

We have had awesome school holiday programmes where we have played games and sports, or done activities or had a drivers licence programme. Our recent holiday programmes saw 44 participants over two days meet at St Joseph’s in Mt Victoria in the morning, where we had games and lunch before going to ASB Stadium to play sports. Here’s what two of the participants had to share:

“The holiday programme was really good, better than I actually thought it would be. We first sat down and introduced ourselves and played some games to start getting to know each other. We then stopped and shared lunch together which really helped get to know other people more.” Y.A

“On our way to ASB stadium, we got to socialise more and it was fun playing games in the car, like Spotto. As soon as we started playing sports, you could see that everyone was happy and having fun. Over the two days we got to play Ki‑o‑rahi, indoor soccer, basketball, dodge ball and volleyball. At the end of the day it was all very fun and we all got on really well. We made heaps of new friends and it was good getting out of the house and doing something different. Overall, it was a great experience and we all enjoyed it. I will definitely be doing it again!” L.A

The main feedback we got from the young people was that they wanted to have activities in both weeks of the holidays, SO, currently we are in the process of planning our next holiday programmes, so keep you eye out for more information as we secure dates and confirm details! We would love to have more young people come along, they are great days of getting to meet new people and having lots of fun!

Hol Prog July 3


Hol Prog July 4


Hol Prog July 2

Quiz Night – 2013

Charity Quiz evening a huge success!!!

Thanks to all the wonderful supporters that turned out for our annual quiz evening on Sunday 9th June. The Johnsonville Rugby Club room was packed with 19 teams competing for a wide variety of spot prizes, raffles and quiz prizes donated by a long list of generous businesses and individuals.

Our wonderful MC Alex Ness, kept the teams entertained and put general knowledge to the test. The atmosphere was one of fun, laughter and plenty of competition! The Einsteins won this year’s quiz, some saying that having dressed up like Einstein helped connect to his genius!  Well done everyone on a great effort and brilliant night – thank you!

The event raised around $5,000… a new record for a Challenge quiz night! The proceeds of the quiz will be used to fund programmes that help young people from every walk of life discover their potential.

Again, many thanks to those that came out in the cold to support us; those that donated because they couldn’t get there on the night; the families and friends who helped and donated prizes; and the businesses who continue to support us – we have listed them below.

Very special thanks go to the Johnsonville Rugby Club for the use of their venue.


Our Special Sponsors – thank you


Auto Repairs

Auto Stop

Bay Plaza Hotel

Bella Bloom

Burger Fuel

Burrowes & Co

City Fitness

Civic Video

Guardian Funeral Home

Johnsonville Physio

Life Pharmacy



Motor Doctors

Muffin Break

Sarak Hairstylists

Skin, Body & Soul






West Plaza Hotel

Z Energy

Challenge 2000 Whanau & Friends  










Donate by Electronic Banking

Making a donation straight into Challenge 2000’s bank account is easy for everyone.  Once you have made your donation through electronic banking, please drop us an email at with your name, address and donation amount so we can send you a receipt just as soon as possible.

Here are our banking details:

Name of Account – Challenge 2000

Bank – ANZ Johnsonville, Wellington New Zealand

Account Number – 01-0519-0057660-00

Thank you!


Donate by Cheque

If you would like to donate to Challenge 2000 by cheque, please print off this remittance page, fill in your details and mail to the address below:

Click here for the C2K Remittance Form for Donations


Set up an Automatic Payment – the “Drip Drip Effect”

If you would like to help us out by setting up an automatic payment with the “drip drip effect” then please print off  the automatic payment form, fill it in and mail it back to us.

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Please send your donation or automatic payment form to:

Challenge 2000
PO Box 13059
Wellington 6440
New Zealand


Thank you!  Your money really will make a difference!

National Youth Week

As part of National Youth Week on the 10th of May 2013 Challenge 2000 hosted a youth event at the Johnsonville Community Centre, the theme of Youth Week was “Live Like A Legend”. This was very much reflected in the night which had a strong focus on encouraging young people to believe in themselves and their potential while also celebrating their own success and the success of others.

There was a great turn out of young people from the local Johnsonville community and they were quick to get involved in a number of hands on and fun activities.

One of the highlights was the costume making challenge where the four teams were given 15 minutes to dress a member of their team as their favourite legend.  This provided some great laughs and entertainment as legends such as Sir Edmund Hillary, Superman, Willie Apiata and Richie McCaw made their debut down the ‘catwalk’.

Other highlights included magazine hockey, indoor soccer, bang and a puzzle making challenge which were enjoyed by all the teams who embraced the competitive spirit of the night with the winner claiming free tickets to the Warriors game.

An opportunity was given for the groups to reflect and brainstorm what it means to be a legend in your own family and community with Bridget Roche challenging everyone to believe in themselves and their potential, be who you are and support and encourage your mates.  Reflecting on legends such as Nelson Mandela, Willie Apiata, Dame Whina Cooper and Richie McCaw who showed great respect for others, themselves and their community helped to inspire all to know that we can all be a legends in the present.

The night concluded with a shared BBQ dinner which was fitting as there were many hungry mouths after a busy night of competition.  Many thanks to those who supported the event, particularly Ara Taiohi and the Johnsonvile Community Centre.  It is hoped that the spirit of the night left with everyone remembering that all are called to ‘live like a legend’ in their own families and communities, believe in yourself, respect yourself, celebrate your success and the success of others.










Young Mens Leadership Camp

The leadership camp held in the Lower North Island over the school holidays (April 2013) was a great success. The young men embraced the outdoors, getting involved in some awesome activities – challenging themselves (and sometimes us). Over the week the young men explored Kuratau, Taupo and Hawkes Bay, doing a range of activities to build their confidence, raise aspirations and work towards achieving individual goals.
Caving at Tongariro National Park at the local Outdoor Pursuits Centre was an intense but rewarding opportunity for both young men and staff. The boys were completely out of their comfort zones when leading the team through the caves; struggling through tight spaces and braving the elements. Another highlight for the young men was definitely taking the leap at the Taupo bungy. The plunge into the unknown was a chance for the men to not only face their fears but also practice dealing with some of the difficulties they will be faced as young leaders.
They also took part in kayaking, a relaxing afternoon at the hot pools, learnt a haka and had time to reflect.
Overall the camp was a huge success that left the young men more confident than ever and ready to take on the challenges that lie ahead as men of honour.