Odyssey Programme Graduation

“Our Journey of Faith”

On Sunday 21st September it was time to celebrate a group of young people who for the last 15 weeks had dedicated themselves to being part of the Odyssey journey.
The young people have explored topics on Relationships and Communication, Team building and Community, Social Justice and Citizenship, Values and Ethics, Dreaming big and life choices, Spirituality and Faith in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Odyssey Group Graduates

On Sunday two of the young people spoke about their journey, this is a snippet of what one had to say…
“who goes before you on your way, to seek out a place for you to encamp, in fire by night and cloud by day, to show you the way in which you should go”
This passage describes someone leading the way for others to find shelter through anything, which is exactly what the Challenge 2000 Odyssey Youth Programme has done for me. They have lead me to a place of understanding about poverty, relationships, war, global warming and much more giving me the information to be knowledgeable and able to make a difference whether it be big or small. If there’s one thing that I’ve learnt at this Odyssey youth group is every small bit of change is enough to add up to one big change.

Special congratulations to Morgana and Tyler who for the past couple of months have also been preparing to be confirmed. They have chosen to take this next step in their faith and alongside their Sponsors, Families and all Odyssey participants were confirmed at Mass by Archbishop John Dew. Thank you to Sister Jude who has taken the time to prepare Morgana and Tyler.


Thank you to all the families and friends of these young people who have supported them on their journey and were there to celebrate the graduation of these amazing young people. We also thank Archbishop John Dew for celebrating this special mass with us and for all he does for the young people.

Odyssey 2014 has ended but it is just the beginning for all the young people involved.

Mareko Ennor’s Speech on Graduating

Deuteronomy 1:33
“who goes before you on your way, to seek out a place for you to encamp, in fire by night and cloud by day, to show you the way in which you should go”

In the many weeks that I have partaken in the Challenge 2000 Odyssey Youth Programme I have enjoyed every moment of it, taking in the knowledge the leaders have passed on to me and trying to apply into the correct places of my life.
The Odyssey was originally a poem written by Homer which spoke of the hero, Odysseus, on his journey home. Within his journey home he learnt much from experiences and here at our Odyssey Youth Group we intended to do the same thing.
Each week we learnt at least one new value that we could try to up-hold but not in a boring way but in a fun and motivational way that us Youth members enjoyed doing.

Earlier this year I took part in a fundraiser for the Solomon Islands which involved living in a house made of cardboard boxes and living with no technology. This was my first ever involvement with Challenge 2000 and doing this with Challenge has left me with no regrets. After that fundraiser challenge I took part in a Leadership Camp with them and that was possibly one of the greatest experiences of my life so far. After these two awesome experiences with Challenge 2000, hearing about a weekly youth group run by them excited me immensely. My first Sunday with the Odyssey Youth Group was when we went to Laser Force. At the time I thought that we were just playing a game and having fun but when we later re gathered as a group, we discussed what was hard and ‘challenge’ ing about Laser Force. This made me understand that this youth group was going to be knowledgeable as well as a good time with mates made along the way.

The passage I read before from Deuteronomy said,
“who goes before you on your way, to seek out a place for you to encamp, in fire by night and cloud by day, to show you the way in which you should go”
This passage describes someone leading the way for others to find shelter through anything, which is exactly what the Challenge 2000 Odyssey Youth Programme has done for me. They have lead me to a place of understanding about poverty, relationships, war, global warming and much more giving me the information to be knowledgeable and able to make a difference whether it be big or small. If there’s one thing that I’ve learnt at this Odyssey Youth Group is every small bit of change is enough to add up to one big change.

With people like Heath and Nicole as well all the other workers for Challenge change is possible. Events, Camps and Odyssey are all roads that are paved for us by Challenge 2000 to help us grow and move forward in our lives. I feel as though I speak on behalf of all of the people who partook in the Odyssey Programme in saying that I feel as though I have been guided through my journey to a new me, a better me, with the guidance from true leaders. The Odyssey Group has enlightened me to a brighter future and will hopefully further guide me throughout the journey of LIFE.

Wellingtonians……Thank you thank you thank you – Street Day Appeal 2014

“Wellingtonians….Thank you thank you thank you…………….

thank you very much for your kind donations thank you very, very much”

Friday September 5 was a cool little day in the Capital and yet our amazing collectors turned out with warm smiles to do their bit. Then through the streets and Malls walked generous Wellingtonians opening wallets and purses to support children, young people and their families.

On the day you GAVE $10,500 and some said the cheque was in the mail or would internet bank….so it’s a great total and climbing – thank you.

The reality is that life is difficult for people at some time in their life.

The reality also is that Kiwis are a generous people and we all do our bit to reach out and help others when we can.

Challenge 2000 is a community based Wellington organisation that has existed for 26 years because we are supported by YOU.

Thanks – you enable us to make a difference.


Heart shots of the Day:

Thorndon New World:

A little girl aged about five to six – looking at the Challenge boards and then getting her coins out of her purse and putting them in the bucket to help other children.

Vocal FX:

Busking in the Railway station and gathering a large audience who found the guys singing and style so attractive that they gave lots of money and video’d on phones – check out you tube J.

Johnsonville Mall:

A Returned serviceman who after careful questioning and consideration gave a sizeable donation applauding the young collectors on how they are serving today. He said it made him proud.

Lambton Quay:

The businessmen who gave $50.00 and thanked the collecting Youth Worker for her willingness to actually do something to improve society rather than just talk about it.

The Rongotai College young man who was walking by, saw what Challenge was about and volunteered on the spot.

Railway Station and Thorndon:

All The College students – St Patrick’s Town and Stream and St Mary’s who got out of bed early to do their bit and then who stayed at their posts regardless of the cold, rainy weather.

Johnsonville Main Road:

The mother of seven grown up children who collected without a break for five hours – to tautoko her Challenge whanau.

Back room supporters:

The volunteers who gave up their day to count the money, bag it and steer the pick ups and gauge trends.


ALL the Challenge Staff, Board members, volunteers – current and past who did your bit to make the day successful – THANK YOU.

LOVE works.

“The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.”

~ John Burrowes

Pictured below is Gerard Tully, the rector of St. Pat’s Silverstream, and one of his generous students, Freeman Rae, giving their time today.Collectors 2014

Also pictured below, Angela Brounts, Challenge 2000 board member with past board member Sally Munro.

Also pictured below, Anna Hoskins, past Gap student.

Collectors 2014
Collector 2014

Thank you Street Day Appeal Collectors!

Peter Dunne, Member of Parliament for Ohariu, collecting for Challenge 2000 – a Youth and Family Agency based in his electorate.Peter Dunne with Challenge supporters collecting

“Peter has been very supportive of our work since we began in 1988” said Kitty McKinley the Founder of Challenge 2000.

“He has always turned up to our community and young people’s events – no matter how big or small. He has always been there for advice and spends time with anyone who needed his assistance”

Pictured are Peter, Kitty and Mere who is “keen to swap buckets as he is doing really well collecting for us today”

Odyssey Youth Development Group

Challenge 2000’s Odyssey group only has 4 weeks left! Over the past three months 34 young people from around the Wellington region have met weekly at St joseph’s Mt Victoria for 2 hours on a Sunday night. During this time we have been on a journey together looking at different topics such as Who am I?, Team Building, Communication, Relationships, the Faith context of Aotearoa New Zealand, the Treaty of Waitangi, communication, positive relationships, Social Justice, the lived gospel and Values and Virtues. We have had guest speakers on many topics and have heard many different examples of people living out their  faith and Catholic values today.

Many of the Odyssey participants attended a retreat the first week in September which focussed on ‘Our Journey to Justice.’ Throughout the 3 days we looked at Social Responsibility, Social Justice, Jesus’ example of living out Justice, as well as having inspirational talks from some of the leaders, team building and group bonding. The retreat was a chance for the young people to take time out of their busy day to day lives and be with the other young people and the leaders of Odyssey 2014. This was a great retreat with many stories shared, memories made, insights gained and laughs had by all.

Many of our young leaders have also stepped up and really committed to this programme. It is great to have youth lead youth so effectively – the Youth work Certificate in practice!

Thank you to all who have helped make Odyssey and the retreat possible; from delivering baking and bread, helping with transport, giving up your time, donations, and much more, your help has been greatly appreciated.

Roll on the next few weeks and keep a look out for this programme in 2015.


Group Photo

Group Photo


Odyssey Camp Trust activity

Trust Activity


Congratulations Vocal FX!

Wellington Barbershop Chrous group, VocalFX, were recently crowned the Pan Pacific and New Zealand National Barbershop Chorus Champions at the Pan Pacific Competition on August 16th, held at Wellington’s Michael Fowler Centre. Pictured are Challenge 2000 Gap Students Pati Feleti and Junior Fanatanu, staff members Tovio Apolo, Heath Hutton and past Gap student Peter Gasologa. Having recently returned from the Barbershop International contest held in America, where they placed 10th, it was a great chance to perform in front of the home crowd. Tovio Apolo thought the performance went really well, “It was a good set and the crowd seemed to be enjoying themselves. Great to get a standing ovation as well. There were a few of the young people we work with in the crowd so it was great to show them what is possible.”
During the evening, the Musical Island Boys, who became Barbershop Quartet World Champions earlier this year were also honoured. They have been a great support to VocalFX throughout their preparation so it was great to be able to show our appreciation for them.
From Left to Right: Pati Feleti, Heath Hutton, Peter Gasologa, Tovio Apolo and Junior Fanatanu

From Left to Right: Pati Feleti, Heath Hutton, Peter Gasologa, Tovio Apolo and Junior Fanatanu

Many of the VocalFX chorus will be helping Challenge 2000 by busking in support of the Street Day Appeal on Friday 5th September. If you want to hear some of the music head on down to the Wellington Train Station on the evening of Thursday 4th September from 4-6pm.

Holiday Activity Days

Exciting activity days during the holidays saw over 25 young people each day participate in sports, communication and fun games themed activities.

Sportsmanship was the theme of Sports day where we did activities and played sports that gave the young people an opportunity to use and work on their sportsmanship. On our Communication day we looked into different ways we communicate and listen with those around us through some action based learning activities. Our last holiday activity was to fill the day with lots of fun games as well as create some cookie monster cupcakes that the young people could enjoy at the end of the day.

We all have enjoyed the holiday activities and are looking forward to the next school holidays!


Relay Race

Relay Race

Racing on stilts

Racing on stilts

Team work

Blindfold challenge – communicating with voice and touch only


Communicating as a team

Human Knot

Communicating as a team to “untie” themselves

Holiday Activity day FUN!

Holiday Activity day FUN!

Fun activity of creating Cookie monster cup cakes

Fun activity of creating Cookie monster cup cakes

Playing games

Playing games

Youth Justice Camp

From the 17th-21st June Challenge 2000 took a Youth Justice Camp away. The group included two young men referred from the Lower Hutt Youth Court, two youth leaders and two staff. For our two young men the focus of the camp was to develop self-esteem and explore the big questions ‘who am I? And who do I want to be?’

The camp allowed the young people and staff to expand their horizons and to explore new and different parts of New Zealand such as Turangi, Taupo, Wairarapa and down the Kapiti Coast. Along with this the young people were exposed to a range of pro social activities and exercises including camping, bungee jumping, fishing, hiking, blacksmith work and visiting a music studio. Throughout our camp journey many laughs, stories and memories were created and it was great to watch the two young men explore who they are and who they want to be.

With the experiences and relationships built during camp we look forward to watching the boys continue to grow at Challenge 2000, with their whanau and in their own communities.

Trust Exercise 1 Fishing Dining out 1

Quiz Night!

On Sunday 8th June, at Johnsonville Rugby club rooms, Challenge 2000 held their annual Charity Quiz Night. This evening not only allows Challenge 2000 a chance to fundraise to continue supporting our young people, it also enables them to spend time with their supporter – old and new, in a fun way.

For many of us Gap Year students, the Quiz Night proved to be our first ever quiz night, which was daunting at first but very satisfying in the end. We were all given different roles, from Food helper, raffle runner to answer sheet collector, handing out of prizes and more. For many of us doing this was a new challenge and helped to nudge us out of our comfort zone and have an opportunity to do something we would not normally get to do.

We would like to thank everyone who helped make this Quiz Night possible, to the Challenge Staff, family, friends and youth who contributed and participated on the night.

Most importantly, we and Challenge 2000 would like to thank all the people who came along on the night as well as the businesses, organisations, whanau and friends who donated prizes for our raffles. Thank you for your continued support of Challenge 2000 and all the young people and families they work with.

~Gap Students

Happy winner

Winner of one of the three main raffle prizes!

Puzzling over a question

Quiz Team pondering a question

Everyone settling in as MC -Alex Ness, welcomes everyone

Everyone settling in as MC -Alex Ness, welcomes everyone

Spot Prize winner

Winner of a spot prize

Table of Raffle Prizes

Table full of raffles and prizes!

Youth Week Event

On Friday 23rd May Challenge 2000 celebrated youth week with an event, Be the Change Challenge, organised and run  by our Youth Week Committee. It was a fantastic evening which saw Challenge 2000 working with The Rock and Johnsonville Youth Room to empower and support our Youth Committee to bring their event, Be the Change Challenge – positive responses to bullying, to life. Our event was held at The Rock in Ngauranga.

Our youth committee was made up of Matekino, Ivan, Shannon, Robert, Mandy and Leah, who were supported by Bridget, Edwardene and Hezekiah (The Rock). Over a period of six weeks, these young people met to talk, discuss, dream, organise and learn about the theme of Youth Week – Be the Change and what it meant for them and how they would translate that into a meaningful event for young people.

Through our talks and discussions we discovered a passion for Anti-bullying and discovered that Pink Shirt day (Stop Bullying Campaign) was on the Friday we were going to run our event. Things fell into place and we talked about how we wanted to shape Aotearoa. We decided on doing small workshops that would introduce the young people who would participate in our event into different positive responses to bullying. We took participants through a journey – power of words, overcoming being a bully or being bullied, strategies for anti bullying in school, communities, families and friends and opportunities to think about how we want to shape Aotearoa.

We would like to thank John Archbold from Archbold Design for painting Aotearoa for us over two canvases with the empowering words we wanted young people to reflect on and choose which one(s) they would utilise to shape Aotearoa.

Painted by John Archbold

Painted by John Archbold

Also a very huge thanks to The Rock for allowing us the use of their venue for our event as well as all the leaders who came along to help out on the evening too. It was a great to have our two groups of young people come together, meet, discuss different topics and participate during the evening.

Three of the Youth Committee members opening the evening with a song

Three of the Youth Committee members opening the evening with a song


Two of the Youth Committee members running the Power of Words workshop

Two of the Youth Committee members running the Power of Words workshop

Archibold Logo

Rock Logo

#YouthWeekNZ #BeTheChangeYW

Youth Leadership Camp


From the 27th to 30th of April, Challenge 2000 took 36 young people away on a Leadership Camp. 23 young people were from 5 different schools around Wellington (St Catherine’s College, St Mary’s College, Bishop Viard College, St Patrick’s College Town and Newlands College) and 13 young people came from Hawkes Bay.

Group discussions


The theme for the camp was ‘What is your Legacy ’ and over the 4 days we looked at leadership; how to be a leader and what it means to be a leader. We had a some guest speakers who talked about different aspects of Leadership. Kitty McKinley came in and talked about ‘Relationships with Self, Others and God’ and the importance of having a strong relationship with all three. Michelle Brough, an ex Challenge 2000 Gap student, also came in and spoke to us about her Hero’s Journey and related it to how she got to where she is today.

This camp was a chance for people to reflect on things like; their own journey in life, meeting new people from different schools and walks of life and coming together to learn, experience and grow into one group. The 2 common themes that came from the young people throughout the camp was friends and family.


Game time Reflection Team work

On the final day the young people were given the opportunity to separate into their school groups and talk about what their next steps could be. This gave all the young people a chance to share about what their hopes for their school was for the coming year and even rolling into next year.

A big thank-you to everyone who made this camp possible, the sponsorship, the baking, the various ways people helped and the on-going love and support.

Team BriefingGroup Photo