Summer Holiday Programmes 2015

Over five days, Challenge 2000 staff, volunteers and young people explored various parts of Wellington while enjoying the lovely weather and activities we planned for holiday programmes. Our goal was to not only have fun but connect young people in to what the greater Wellington region has to offer.

Day one saw everyone at ASB Sports Centre having fun competing in netball and floorball in the morning. After a nice lunch up by Mt Victoria lookout, we returned to try our hand at indoor soccer and basketball.


Sports 2

Sports 3


Day two we all journeyed around to Days Bay in Eastbourne, quite a few of our young people had never been before, and when there we separated into two groups. One group went to The Days Bay Boat Shed where they donned a  life jacket and headed out onto the water in a kayak with one of the instructors and Challenge 2000 staff. The other group went across the road to the park where we played different games like touch or volleyball. After lunch the groups changed over and those who had been kayaking in the morning had the option of continuing to swim with supervision if they wished. It was a great day and one of the young people’s favourites over the holiday programmes.





Day three we went along to the Aquatic Centre at Te Rauparaha Arena in Porirua and then played sports in Johnsonville. Our young people got to play games and splash about in the pool before we went back to Challenge 2000 for lunch and then sports.

Battle hill

Day Four we all piled into vans and cars and made our way to Battle Hill in Pauatahanui. We were put into five groups and in the morning took turns at each of the five activities; stretcher making, tent erecting and dismantling, camp story creating, observation walk and shelter building. After a yummy BBQ lunch, the groups shared their camp stories and then all went for a walk up Battle Hill to end the day on a high!



Group Photo - Battle Hill


Day five – our last day – was our Wellington City Scavenger Hunt. The teams made their way to Parliament to start, then the railway station and then to different destinations along the Queen’s Wharf waterfront, with the final destination at Waitangi Park. Stops included a rock climbing task at Fergs Kayaks, as well as a kayaking task around the lagoon. The young people had fun searching for answers to clues and doing various activities over the day. The weather was spectacular and a really good way to end our Holiday Activity Days in Wellington.

Waterfront Lunch moment

We would like to thank all the young people, our volunteers, sponsors and supports for such a great Summer Holiday Programme! Keep your eyes peeled for upcoming holiday programmes throughout the year.

Families sponsoring families:

A highlight for us this year has been the efforts of a few young mums and dads who decided to reach out and provide money, gift vouchers and fresh food for other young families in need. Their unsort generosity was awesome – a real example of the Christmas Spirit. You know who you are, thank you very much.

Merry Christmas and All the Best for 2015

Challenge 2000 young people, board, staff, families and volunteers thank you for supporting us the Spirit of Christmas throughout this year.

We are grateful for your generosity, support, understanding and commitment to helping bring about a loving more peaceful, equitable, just country. Together our presence has made a difference, lives have been transformed, families made stronger, gifts shared, young people have dreamed and achieved a better future.

A time of excitement and fun, energy and trust.

A time of excitement and fun, energy and trust.

Christmas Parade

On the 6th of December, staff, young people and volunteers arrived in Johnsonville all ready to spread the Christmas spirit. Baskets were filled with lollies, costumes were selected and everyone found their position on the float.

As we joined the parade and headed down the streets, they were lined with children and families who were clapping and cheering with excitement. It truly was a special day for all involved and an experience to remember. A special thank you to all the young people who showed up the day before to help paint, build the float and make decorations and didn’t leave until the job was done.

Christmas Parade

Christmas Parade Prep


Christmas Parade v1

Christmas Wrapping at Johnsonville Mall

Every year Challenge 2000 has a fundraiser at Johnsonville Shopping Centre. The mall make a generous donation to us to wrap presents bought in the mall. This helps us employ people over the summer, by special gifts for individuals and families and helps us get through the summer.


Wrapping 1



Holiday Programmes 2015

January we will be having holiday programmes for the youth. These days will be filled with fun, learning, teamwork, adventures, friendship and new experiences. If you are interested in

  • A sports day at ASB on 9th of January.
  • Waka Ama on the 14th of January.
  • Swimming on the 16th of January.
  • A team Scavenger Hunt in Wellington City on the 21st of January.
  • Orienteering at a Regional Part on the 32rd of January.

Numbers are limited! For further information please contact Ben after the 5th of January on 4770045 or

Leadership Training



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Christmas Hampers

Challenge 2000 with your support provided 40 hampers for families to make their Christmas a little happier and less of a struggle. These hampers were delivered throughout the Wellington Region to many families that we have worked with all year. A big thank you to Wellington Girls College, St Marys College, St Benedicts Parish and St Vincent de Paul for their generosity – you have made a difference.

Christmas Hampers


Christmas Hampers

Gap Graduation 2014

On December 7th the Marist Challenge 2000 Gap Year finished with a packed graduation ceremony at St Joseph’s Mount Victoria. It was a great opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the Gap Year students and acknowledge all those who have assisted them in their journey this year. They all shared about their year including where they had been on work placements and what they had learnt, the impact on them of the huge range of experiences they had had, the many influential people they had met, the challenges that they had overcome, and the plans they have for 2015 and beyond. It was a privilege to be able to see and hear the impact the Gap Year has had on these young people. Proud families also acknowledged the development in their young people.

Throughout the graduation there was a common theme of gratefulness – for all of the people and organisations within our communities that have supported the Gap Year students and allowed them to grow into who they are today. In particular the Society of Mary has provided a lot of support to the programme in many different ways – the Gap participants and showed their real appreciation of this in their speeches.

Gap Grad 2014


What is the Gap Year?

The Gap Year programme involves holistic formation, NZQA youth work training, work placements, experiences, and local and international travel. The Gap Year offers the chance to develop the social, spiritual, intellectual, employment, well-being and physical elements that are required for a positive, successful and balanced life.

Participants access the extras that help you on life’s journey: driver’s licence, first aid certificate, technology training and as they receive a training allowance – it’s a chance to budget and manage $$$$ as well. As well as the individual chance to grow, discover and learn there is also a strong group/community focus – 8 young people all open to what life offers and ready to work together! Already 40 young people from New Zealand and overseas have accepted this invitation and graduated from the programme – well done!

Applications are now closed for the 2015 programme. If you would like to support the Gap programme in any other way or for information about 2016 please contact Kitty McKinley on the details below:

Phone: (04) 477 6827 or (04) 477 0045


Or Check out the Marist website

Gap students reflect on the year…

During my Gap Year, time has flown and I’ve done so much! At the beginning I was unsure of where I wanted to go in life, having just completed an exchange program over in France had left a lot of questions about what I thirsted for in life. Some of the things I have been involved in are; our youth programme at Newlands Community Centre, being a volunteer at IDEA services and L’arche in Kapiti and being a teacher aide at San Antonio Primary school, Eastbourne. These placements have helped me to widen my gaze to the needs of the community and where I want to go in life.

At Newlands Community Centre, I have helped to facilitate programs for young people, for example; cooking classes, so the young people could learn basic skills that they would be able to take home and replicate. Spending time with the young people there has taught me the importance of support. There is a definite need in young people to have role models and I learnt  that I could be one of those people, even though we only have two hours after school three days a week. All of the young people have different qualities, which makes our Newlands Community Centre youth programme  a diverse and interesting group of young people and I am glad I have been able to see them grow over the year. ~ Anya ~
Anya at Newlands

Where to start with my journey on this Gap Year programme! It’s crazy to think that last year I had not participated in any Challenge progammes, or met any of the awesome people who work here and participate in the youth programmes. Challenge is like one enormous family and is a home away from home. This year I’ve experienced many great things – for instance, a camp where we went lugeing, water rafting, and bungy jumping. The experiences over this year have challenged me and made me face some of my fears. Also during this year I’ve participated in different activities like teacher aiding, working towards a youth work certificate, meeting and walking alongside clients, support work at a kindergarten, and helping with lots of our different missions.

As part of this Gap Year we all get sent on a month long placement to further challenge ourselves on our journey to finding out who we are as a person. I am beginning my journey in New Zealand for two weeks and then for the last two weeks I will be heading to the sunny shores of Samoa. I will learn about a culture that is different to mine, whilst also getting hands on experience in challenging situations. This Gap Year programme is the greatest thing I have ever done and it has only been made possible by the continual support the Society of Mary, who support this programme, my Challenge whanau and my friends in the gap year programme~ Damien ~

Water Rafting

This time last year I was told about the Gap Year, what it has involved and some of the many things that I could get to try out and experience.

So I said yes to taking up the Challenge. I still wasn’t quite sure what I got myself into. But after my first day I knew that I had made the right decision and that this year was going to be one that I wouldn’t regret.

It didn’t take us long to get into the swing of things and to see how the day to day life at Challenge 2000 worked. On our second week on the programme all the Gap students went away for the week and did many different things. I went up to the Hawke’s Bay and helped up there. That was when I knew that I would be travelling a lot and get pretty used to the road between Wellington and Napier. Since then I have been up there to help with masses, help lead retreats and go on a Youth Development camp, but most importantly support for Luke and Manisha with the work that they do up there.

Other things that I have been doing throughout the year is working with young people, completing my youth work certificate, being a teacher aide at a kindergarten and doing reception work at Catholic Social Services. I have had some inspiring talks by some amazing different people.

Most importantly, I have become more confident within myself, learnt more about myself, and grown more as a person. Over the coming 3 months I look forward to our month placements away where I will be spending 2 weeks somewhere in New Zealand and the other 2 weeks over in Samoa. Overall I have really enjoyed the Gap Year of and I would strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about themselves, grow as a person, meet some amazing people, and have fun. ~ Courtney ~

Childrens day fun

Gap Students

Napier Camp 2014

“Fasten your seat belt and let’s cruise together”

As the second week of the school holidays began, a group of young people set off to Napier for a 3 day camp.

Napier camp 2014 - 4


On Monday we came together as a group, got to know each other and then set off on our journey. Once we arrived in Napier, we settled in and had an early night so we were ready for our big day on Tuesday.

 Napier camp 2014 - 1

Tuesday was full of adventures and new experiences for all. We had the chance to visit the national aquarium, visit McLean Park and meet Robbie Fruean from the Mag Pies, play a round of mini golf, visit bluff hill and to end our day we headed to the hot pools.

Napier camp 2014 - 2 

Wednesday was our last day in the bay. As the sun was shining, we had a big breakfast, and then set of on our adventures for the day. We headed down to Marine Parade to pick up our bikes and set off along the water front to see more of Napier. We finished our day with lunch at the park.

Napier camp 2014 - 3

As we headed home to Wellington, everyone was exhausted but we all had an amazing time.