Gap Year Students Honour the ANZACs

TIMG_0342-2oday a group of Gap Year Students attended the Australian Memorial Dedication at Pukeahu National War Memorial Park with Kitty McKinley.

The Prime Minister of New Zealand John Key and the Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott attended with other special guests such as “Willie” Apiata VC, Members of 1-IMG_0347-001Parliament and also Service men and women. The service started with the march on, of both the New Zealand and Australian Defence Forces, a moving beginning to the ceremony, followed by the welcome. John Key and Tony Abbott both spoke very well and gave their own meaning on the special friendship we share with Australia, as allies in war – mentioning that this friendship doesn’t always extend to the sports field!
The main message that we received from the two prime ministers is our countries are old friends. When push comes to shove, no matter what the score was in the rugby test the week before, we will always have each other’s back, no matter how much banter we throw at each other.

1-IMG_0350-001The memorial was beautiful, a fitting piece to remember the soldiers of Australia who also laid their lives on the line for us, the future generations. The ceremony then continued on with a blessing and a prayer to protect the memorial and officially open it. Overall the experience was amazing, it wasa privilege to stand side by side with our fellow Australians physically and spiritually to remember those who have gone before us.

“oh! You who sleep in Flanders Fields,

Sleep sweet – to rise anew!

We caught the torch you threw

And holding high, we keep the Faith

With All who died.”

We can say thank you to the fallen soldiers “For giving their tomorrow for our today”. With our hearts and arms open we hold the torch of light and justice for this world to be a better place. Gap Students 2015

Te Papa 2

After the Australian Memorial Dedication service we headed down to Te Papa and waited in line for over 45 minutes to explore the new exhibition called GALLIPOLI The Scale Of Our War. It was great that so many people are going to see this.

We did this to increase our understanding of what the ANZACs went through, and to develop an awareness of how we are the beneficiaries of their service and sacrifice 100 years later.Te Papa 1

Inside the exhibition there were things such as models that are the size of two humans made at the Weta Caves. There were 6 models which all had a different part to play in the war, as we got to each model there was a recorder speaking their stories and experiences they had faced. There was an electronic diagram that reenacted what weapons had the most affect on their bodies and you could see what weapon was more powerful. We got a small sense of what war was like

And had lots of different feelings, thoughts and questions.

As we carried on through the exhibition we walked through a recreated trench, we could feelTe Papa 3 and hear the vibrations of the bombs and guns. There were also windows that had videos playing showing different soldiers experiences inside the trenches. These were our ancestors, family members…a lot to think about!

At the end there was another model of a solider who had survived the war. He was kneeling and had his hand on his heart. You were able to write a message on a red poppy and you were able to keep it or place it on the statue. This was very touching for all of us, as most of us have ancestors that took part in the war. This has got us thinking about how we would have reacted if we were forced or volunteered to go to war or to say goodbye to the people we love.

They gave up their today for our tomorrow.

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Holiday Programmes

Challenge 2000 will be holding Holiday Programmes these holidays:

Tuesday 7th April, for young people aged 10-13 years old,  at the Johnsonville Community Centre (Trust Room above the Hall) from 10am – 3pm.

Tuesday 14th April, for young people aged 5-9 years old.

Friday 17th April, for young people aged 13-16 years old.

If you would like to find out more information about these days, please contact Bridget Masoe on 477 0045.



Happy Easter!

Power point

Challenge 2000 Staff and whanau would like to wish everyone a wonderful happy Easter!

We hope you all have a lovely time with family and friends.

If you are travelling, please be safe out on the roads!

Easter Eggs

Caritas Challenge 2015

Caritas Challenge 2014
5pm 27th – 2pm 28th March, 2015
At Challenge 2000
We are raising money for the people of the Philippines.
Register then come along and sleep under the sky in cardboard boxes or tents and join in the fun
Contact Nicole Simson to register or for more information – 477 0045 OR 021 655 697
Registration close 5pm Tuesday 24th March
Caritas Challenge Participants 2014

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Children’s Day Celebrations

10947351_10153099290438164_5558822957454513990_nSomeone said that children spell LOVE …

Today 25 Challenge staff members and young volunteer leaders – workers, uni students and senior college students provided hours of their TIME for children on Children’s Day.
A bouncy castle, games, world cup cricket, face-painting, water bombs, basketball, a BBQ, ice-blocks, apples and bananas, lollies – all contributed to a fantastic celebration of children.
And actually all the Big Kids had a good time too! So did grandparents, relatives and friends on a sunny Wellington Sunday.
As St Francis said “It is in giving we receive” and everyone who gave a little today – sure did.
If you want to volunteer for events like this, and make a difference let’s know….. Just Do It…. give your TIME and join the team.11017509_10153099289318164_6658974869797024514_n







Gap Year 2015

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The Challenge 2000Marist Gap Year has begun!

This year we have nine wonderful young people who have said ‘YES’ to this Gap Year journey and experience.  This diverse group of young people come from around New Zealand – Nelson to Otaki and even as far as Mexico.
The Gap year participants have been busy in their first few weeks. There has been a mixture of introduction, induction, fun, team building, familiarisation and educational modules on code of conduct, boundaries. As well as just getting to know the who, what, when, why and how.
Four weeks into the year the gap participants are now very much apart of the day to day life of Challenge 2000. They are playing a role in providing support and service to Challenge 2000 , our whanau and wider community.
Gap students have already:
– Helped with Catholic Social Service street day appeal
– Run breakfast clubs in schools
– Been involved in the planning and running of a Children’s Day event
– Planned and been involved in a Challenge 2000 youth mass
– Played sport with young people
– Supported and served in the community through gardening, lawn mowing, house cleaning, and much more!
– Acted in a drama
– Begun their Youth Work Certificates
– Mentored and tutored in Primary Schools and High Schools
– Made posters and painted
– Started placements with various social services and organisations in Wellington
If you would like to know more about how to support the Gap programme or sponsor a participant, then contact Kitty McKinley on (04) 477 6827

Up coming youth ministry events…

Please put into your calendar:

March 1st – Children’s Day event; ‘Valuing our treasure’.

March 13th – A Fish and Chip night with Cardinal John for young adults aged 18-30. He will be sharing his experiences of his recent visit to Rome.

March 20-22nd – Wondering about priesthood as a way to serve and make a difference here in Aotearoa or overseas. Join this weekend retreat. Organised in partnership with the Society of Mary -the Marists.

March 23rd – Challenge 2000 University students and Workers catch up – Southern Cross, Abel Smith Street.

March 27-28th– 24 hour Caritas Challenge, sleep over at Dr Taylor Terrace Johnsonville. Help raise awareness and money for the Philippines.

April 2nd – Holy Thursday Mass at Ss Peter and Paul Johnsonville. The call to Radical Service and gratitude, do as I do.

April Holidays Retreat sponsored by the Knight of the Southern Cross and leadership training for the sacramental programme.

April 25-26th ANZAC Dramas and event Participation.

May 3rdSacramental Programme begins for 13-18 year olds.

Arts and Craft TableANZAC 5 (2)

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