Exciting times in Wairarapa!!!

Exciting times are happening in the Wairarapa!!!

On Friday night, 25 young people gathered along with Challenge 2000 staff and volunteers for our first sports night of the year.

The gym was full of energy as we played games, got to know each other and stepped out of our comfort zones!

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All the young people had an awesome time with the opportunity to share in food at the end.  We are looking forward to working with these young people throughout the year.
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If you live in the Wairarapa and are between Year 7 and Year 13, our next sports night will take place on Friday 26th February 2016 from 5pm-7pm at Chanel College gym.  Contact Nicole on 021 655 697 for more information.

Summer fun at the holiday programmes!!!!

Over the summer school holidays, Challenge 2000 hosted an array of holiday programmes for the young people around Wellington, Porirua and the Hutt Valley.  No two days were the same! New experiences were had and activities included sport days, swimming days at different beaches around Wellington and the Hutt Valley, swimming pools and mountain biking through the Wainuiomata hills.










The young people thoroughly enjoyed their time at the different programmes, with excitement levels high all the time!  A great favourite was the mountain biking – the young people commented on how challenging it was at times but  were so proud and grinning from ear to ear at the finish.  Swimming is always great fun – there was a “bombing” competition from the diving board had at a local pool.  It was great to see the energy and interest in the young people for this.




Challenge 2000 realise that it is important to provide these programmes for the young people.  These programmes provide fun, laughter, new experiences and form new lasting friendships!

We wish to thank all those who sponsor/donate/fund these holiday programmes.  Your contribution is much appreciated!

Watch this space for more fun holiday programmes in 2016!!

Challenge 2000 Youth Ministry Training and Formation Camp

The Whanganui Awa, and more specifically Hiruharama/Jerusalem, has long been a source of retreat and inspiration for the Challenge 2000 Youth Ministry team.  In January, a team of 18 took four days to gather together to reflect on Youth Ministry and plan for the year ahead.  8 College students, 5 young adult volunteers and staff reflected on what it means to be a youth ministry team for 2016.

Hiruharama, with its rich history of Catholic ministry, was a great venue to pause at the beginning of the year and reconnect with our vision and purpose and get to know each other better.  The team took the time to revisit why youth ministry matters, how each of us can contribute to making a difference and what we individually can contribute to the lives of those around us.

Group work

It was also an opportunity to reconnect with the whanau up the river holding an activity day for many of the young people who live in Hiruharama and the surrounding communities.  It is always a special time playing games, sharing laughs and checking in with the hopes for the year ahead.

Hoop circleTrust

The College students took real leadership of the day and leant lots about running activity days.  Many friendships were formed and it was difficult to leave!

Challenge 2000 is very lucky to have a longstanding connection with the families living in the area and also at the school in Ranana.  Heath Hutton supported a school trip to the Gold Coast last year, so it was great to be able to reminisce about all the fun had on that trip.

Just as Suzanne Aubert did so many years ago, the Challenge 2000 team travelled back to Wellington with a sense of mission and purpose for 2016.  Dreams were shared and plans hatched!

If you know of any young people who are in Year 12 or 13 who would be keen to be involved in youth ministry, please get in touch with Nicole Simson on 04 477 0045.


Balls and Kids

Christmas Hampers for Families

This C521403_507528735971177_1716605174_nhristmas week our happy staff and volunteers have delivered 85 hampers to families we are involved with. Many, many thanks to all those generous people who sent money in response to our Christmas appeal for meat, veges and fruit. The response was outstanding.

A big thankyou also to KIERAN O’SULLIVAN and his wonderful team at Pak n Save Lower Hutt. Your service and generous discount was absolutely AWESOME!! You made our staff members cry!! Thank you!!

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Many families were very surprised and humbled.

A family of 10 was overwhelmed by the gesture, the whole family came out to receive the Hampers which included gifts.  Children were wide eyed with excitement, adults were so overwhelmed, and very thankful.

One Parent said: “Thank you for the aroha, my Whanau are so thankful”

A 9 yr old girl said: “is that really for us? I can’t wait for Christmas”

Another caregiver said:
“I can’t believe this, thank you for this so unexpected, but we so needed this”

Thanks also to Sacred Heart Primary School for their generous donations towards our Christmas Hampers.

1-Sacred Heart Primary school hampers

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Holiday Programmes

Throughout the Summer, Challenge 2000 provides fun, educational, pro-social, Holiday Programmes for children and young people. Thanks to Infinity for providing a salary for January to facilitate this programme. Without your support it would be impossible!!

2015 – 2016 Programmes

December 2015:

22nd – Creative Chrismassy Craft activities, Christmas Cookie Baking and fun day – 5-10 year olds

23rd – Swimming, Games, and Christmas Hat Craft day – 5-10 year olds

January 2016:

6th – Sports Day – 11-17 year olds

8th – Beach Day – 11-17 year olds

11th – Tongariro Tramp Preparation Day Tramp

12th – Activity Day – 5-10 year olds

14th – Actors and Weta Workshop Day – 10-13 year olds

14-16th – Tongariro Crossing Camp

17-20th – Leadership Training Camp

Call us on (04) 477 0045 if you would like your child to participate, or if you would like to sponsor a child to attend.


Christmas Hamper Appeal!

Many of the families we work with really struggle to survive financially.  The Christmas period is always a time of both happiness and intense pressure and stress for our families and young people.  Challenge 2000 fortunately receives Christmas Hampers from the St Vincent de Paul Society and the Wellington City Mission which we deliver on 23rd/24th December.

While these hampers are full of Christmas goodies, they do not include meat, vegetables and fruit.  With your help, we can add these to hampers.  Please spread the Christmas message of love by helping us to help others.  Please donate $12 for a frozen chicken, $20 meat pack, $50 for a small Christmas Ham or $80 for fresh fruit and vegetables for a family of five children.


So please if you can either post a cheque to Challenge 2000, P O Box 13059, Johnsonville or direct credit to Challenge 2000: ANZ 01-0519-0057660-00 reference Christmas Food.


All amounts are tax deductible as we are a registered charity.  Thank you for helping us to make a difference.  For further information, please call Trish or John on 04 477 6827.Hampers

Tongariro Crossing!!


During the Christmas holidays 4 Challenge 2000 staff members along with 4 amazing young men from different Colleges and youth organisations around Wellington accepted the challenge to hike the Tongariro Alpine track.  The trip was done over 3 days.  With 2 nights camping out under the stars in Kuratau, Taupo and 1 full day hiking through the Tongariro Crossing.


These young men admitted that they were both physically and mentally challenged through the hike (especially “the Devil’s Staircase) but also said that the view from the top was well worth the 8 hour/20km hike.  John* commented that “it was a great way to start the year doing something that hard and smashing it”!!


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After completing the Crossing, the sense of perseverance and accomplishment was very clear to see in each of these young men’s faces.  A very big thank you to all those who have contributed with donations of money and gear towards this trip.  With this support it was possible for these young men to have had such a life changing experience.

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

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