Category: Challenge 2000
Wellington City Councillors visit Challenge 2000
School Holiday Programmes!

The school holidays are just around the corner and here at Challenge 2000 we have some fantastic days planned all around the Wellington region! Spaces are filling up fast so don’t waste anymore time! Get in touch with us today! Call Megan Ratuki on
04 477 6827.
December 18 – Games and Beach Day, Island Bay ages 13-17
December 19 – Bike Riding, Kilbirnie ages 13-17
December 20 – Baking and Making – Johnsonville all ages
December 21 – The Amazing Race, Linden ages 5-12
December 22 – Whanau Day, Newlands ages 5-12
And in the New Year…
January 9 – Big Field Sports and Frisbee Golf, Petone ages 12-18
January 10 – Mini Olympics, Location TBC ages 5-13
January 18 – Weka Walk and Wonder Wander, Porirua ages 13-16
January 19 – WOW for kids and Disco, Newlands ages 5-12
January 25 – Wahine Toa, Johnsonville ages 13-16 AND
Men to Men, Porirua ages 14-17
Challenge 2000 Ark – Johnsonville Christmas Parade 2017
All the amazing Challenge 2000 animals gathered on Saturday 2nd December to bask in the sun at the Johnsonville Christmas Parade.. There were bears, tigers, lions, zebras, leopards, cows, frogs and if you look close enough you might be able to spot some magical unicorns and pigs!

Our fantastic Ark dwellers
The boat sailed through the main streets of Johnsonville with a light tail wind. A great time was had by all and it was great to see everyone come out to support the Challenge 2000 Ark.
A big thanks to everyone who boarded the ark and watched from a far, a special shout out to the wonderful builders who created the sturdy Challenge 2000 Ark in less than 7 days!
The NZ Youth Ambassadors Trip to Passchendaele
Here is what Keely had to say about her trip to Passchendaele…
It has been over a month since I returned and I’ve tried writing this article many times.
Whenever I sat down, feelings and memories flooded over me and I stopped because it was difficult to express what I had experienced, what I had seen and felt.
It was also difficult to say how grateful I am for Challenge 2000 and the New Zealand Defence Force for giving me this wonderful opportunity and supporting me on this journey.
On this journey I met many people from all three services, locals from the countries I visited and youth from all over NZ. They all will forever be a special part of my life. I had an incredible transit over and back stopping in Cairns Australia, Malaysia, Greece, Dubai. On our arrival in Belgium we hit the ground running and didn’t stop. Our days were full, with commemorations, cemetery visits, practices and performances of waiata and two special NZDF haka. At times it seemed a dream. It was hard to process and reflect on.
Then I was very humbled when asked to speak at the main ceremony on the 12th of October at Tyne Cot Cemetery. A cemetery where over 500 New Zealand soldiers lay. I accepted this invitation with pride and also fear.
I remember sitting in the front row alongside the VIPS including Willie Apiata, Prince William and Princess Astrid of Belgium. The most VIP all of us Youth Ambassadors had ever been with. That was almost overwhelming.
Then while I was waiting for my name to be called to speak, I thought through all my reasons for being here and who I was representing. I stood for the Leonard Hart the stretcher bearer whose diary entry I read. I stood for his family back home who knew of his suffering and work. I stood for all the soldiers who lay buried in the soil of Leper, a long way from home. I stood for my family, some of who had served here and those back at home. I stood for the YDU team and all the trainees. I stood for the youth of New Zealand AND I stood for Challenge 2000 and all the young people that myself and my colleagues stand beside and journey with in their tough lives.
When stepping on the stage and looking out beyond the crowds to the thousands of soldiers that lay there, far from Aotearoa New Zealand, my nerves settled and I felt a deep peace. On that day the crowd did not bother me, I spoke to remember those soldiers and acknowledge their hardship, sacrifice and lives.
The speech was for them and I am proud of how I spoke.
I realised that my past two years at Challenge 2000 has helped me with self confidence and a belief in my capabilities. I knew that my time on the LSV course had given me an inner strength and an appreciation of the NZDF and its values.
I looked back to myself, the Year 13 student in Central Hawke’s Bay and knew that she would not have been able to stand up and speak. I realised what saying yes to opportunities that pushed me outside my comfort zone, a sense of pride and the power of example can do.
I would not say I’ve conquered my fear of public speaking but my journey as a Youth Ambassador taught me a lot about how I am in control of those nerves and how a greater cause can lead us to put our fears aside.
My fears seemed so small as I sat beside the graves of our soldiers who died on the Western Front.
This is an experience – actually more than an experience that will remain with me forever. I still can’t express what I feel.
St Francis de Sales Leadership Day
Earlier this month a team from Challenge 2000 arrived at St Francis De Sales in Island Bay where we were greeted by 80 enthusiastic year 6 and 7’s ready and willing to participate in their leadership retreat.
Each year the school sets aside a day for the young people to learn about what it means to be a leader and how they can contribute to leading the school the following year. The theme this year was “Lets lead as one”.
We started the day with introductions, getting to know each other and playing ice breakers outside.
Our first session we gave each group a famous leader, they had to create a drama about this person which included everyone. Each group worked hard and put on am entertaining drama while teaching us something we might not have known about them.
After morning tea, we split into groups and participated in activity based learning (ABL) where the year 7’s competed in an egg drop competition and the year 6’s completed in a game called “mouse traps”. Lots of laughs were had and everyone had a chance to step up and lead.
The afternoon was spent reflecting on what they can bring to the group and creating a mural for the class to hang up next year. To close our day each student participated in our closing prayer, saying one thing they are going to bring to the group next year. A few examples were respect, courage, compassion.
We all had an awesome day and enjoyed our time at St Francis. Thanks for having us, we look forward to hearing how your leadership is developing throughout next year!
Our Missions Crew
Young people supporting their community – doing the hard yards every day, every week, all year.
Sometimes families or individuals don’t have the time, gear or ability to do some of the harder physical jobs around their place… So who do they call? The C2K missions crew!
The crew is comprised of senior students, job seekers in our Todd Foundation Unit, volunteers, youth workers and uni students who are prepared to get their hands dirty and make a difference. Under the guiding hands of Felise and Simon transformation occurs.
The crew is incredibly hard working and we are proud of them all! Here is what our community has to say about their great work…
“I didn’t think I could handle things anymore. My place was really looking awful and then these angels came along. Words aren’t enough to say what it meant for me and my kids”
“All the young people who helped were wonderful. They did everything with a big smile and nothing seemed hard at all. I am so grateful”
“Wow thanks… you guys are too much, thanks”
Where people are able to we ask for a donation for our Youth and Family programmes. This helps us to keep on supporting those in our community. If you need something done – big or small – contact the Challenge Mission Crew on 04 477 6827.
The Crew hard at work
Before …
Come one, come all to Challenge 2000’s Street Day Appeal
Please come along and join us at our Street Day Appeal.
Donate your time or money; tell your friends and family; pray for fine weather!
Call Megan Ratuki on 04 477 6827 or email if you can help out!
Leadership Pilgrimage Year 12 and 13 Students
Come and join Challenge 2000 on a six day Pilgrimage to reflect on what it means to be a prophetic Catholic in Aotearoa today, to visit sacred sites, grasp social justice teachings, do some practical services and enhance leadership and community ministry skills.
The 2017 Pilgrimage will also include taking part in the Aotearoa Catholic Youth Festival in Auckland.
The Pilgrimage will be from Thursday 30th November until Wednesday 6th December 2017. Cost is $200 per person; sponsorship is available.
Michael Campbell “pops” in with some inspirational words
Challenge 2000 staff were pleasantly surprised when Michael Campbell “popped” into Challenge 2000’s staff training. Michael spoke to the staff about his upbringing and his desire/passion to succeed as a Professional Golfer. He spoke of the ups and downs of the world of professional sport. He talked about “the battle within” – he had to battle his thoughts and feelings in his career but especially in the last round of the 2005 US Golf Tournament, which he won! People had many different opinions of him throughout his career but he remained true to himself and held the belief always that he could do it. At times, he said, he had to be selfish to succeed. Staff were left in awe and inspired from his talk.
Stand out comments from Michael’s talk were:
“No matter how many times he lost his games, he just kept going and going. Out of 500 games in his career, he won 17 of them.” Ihi
“I inspired myself.” Ihi
“Everytime I failed, I learnt something. I look at failure as a learning curve.” Nic
“We’ve been given two hands – one is to receive, the other is to give.” Kerry

Challenge 2000 staff with Michael

The Campbell Cousins!