Appearance before the Finance and Expenditure Committee

The Budget Policy Statement 2020

Sophie and Steve representing Challenge 2000 before the Finance and Expenditure Committee

On Wednesday 12 February 2020 at 8.55am a Challenge 2000 delegation appeared before the Parliamentary Finance and Expenditure Committee.

The team made verbal submission on the Budget Policy Statement 2020. This document outlines the Governments priorities for the upcoming and immanent 2020 Budget.

The members of the delegation were: Tina Wilkins, leadership team member; Steve O’Connor, management team; and Sophie Jennings, a social worker.

The theme of the Challenge 2000 submission was advocating a 2020 Budget focus on increasing social justice, by encouraging expenditure on policies that assist beneficiaries, because they are one of the most the most disadvantaged and marginalised groups in New Zealand.

To this end the delegation recommended that the budget should firstly immediately focus on raising basic benefits rates and then on reforming the Welfare system to ensure it enhances the mana and dignity of all.

Sophie presented a case study illustrating the difficulties a family have feeding their children adequately or providing basics on the current level of benefits. The case study also provided an exemplar of excellent customer service from the Naenae MSD office Lower Hutt.

The committee members responded enthusiastically to the Challenge presentation. At the introduction, which created engagement and laughter, one opposition member shouted, “Give them what they want”.

At the end, the committee chair thanked the Challenge 2000 delegation, also, a government committee member provided positive feedback, saying, “Good submission, kept us focused on the needs of low income groups and continued the morning theme, that welfare payments are simply not enough. Good relaxed, informal style and will be remembered.”

Steve and Sophie Represent

Steve and Sophie have just come from presenting an important kaupapa to the Select Committee this morning.

The kaupapa is to investigate raising benefits and further look into the culture of WINZ, to enhance the mana of all.

They both did wonderfully. He tino nui te aroha ki a Korua!

Gap Year 2020 Applications CLOSING!

This is your final chance to get your applications in for Gap Year 2020!

This year’s Gap Year is shaping up to be one of the biggest and best yet!

Since 2007 the Society of Mary and Challenge 2000 have offered a full time gap year programme based in Wellington. Each year, eight young people accept the challenge to say “yes” and spend a year at Challenge 2000 developing, growing and serving others in our community.

In 2018, an internship was also integrated to the programme, this gives young people who have recently graduated or about to graduate an opportunity to gain work experience and prepare themselves for the workforce.

If you are under 20 years of age and want more life experience, an opportunity to serve and to be part of a positive active community, then contact us and apply for our Gap Year.
Each year, there are only 8 places available for gap students and interns.


Porirua College’s Barbershop Mixed Quartet

Porirua College Barbershop Quartet and Mixed Quartet

The Porirua College Barbershop Mixed Quartet have only been singing together since this year and earlier this year they gained 1st place in the overall Wellington Regional Competition. This incredible accomplishment earned them a place to compete at The National Young Singers’ In Harmony Barbershop Singing Competition in Christchurch, September 10th-13th.

This is a very prestigious event and we are very proud of their huge accomplishment. When Eline Avia approached us looking for financial support, Challenge 2000 was more than happy to help the two quartets meet the competition costume and transportation costs for the trip down south to represent Porirua College. 

This update from Eline:

Thank you again for your amazing support…
Our trip was memorable and we are so grateful to our sponsor for the financial support that met some of the costs of our trip.

We had the most amazing time and our students came away from the Competition knowing they had given their best as they represented our school, families and community in true PC Pride style. The experience our students gained performing at top level is something they will always fondly remember.

Our young people are amazing. During our debrief afterwards our students shared about being grateful for the lifetime connections they made with other students from around NZ and for the opportunity to compete at top level! Priceless!!
Thank you for being a part of making dreams their come true!
Warmest regards,
Eline Avia – Porirua College

You’re welcome team and congratulations again!

Challenge 2000 Street Day Appeal


We are holding our annual Street Day Appeal on Thursday 14th November. If you are willing and able to help us, please get in touch. Or, aside from the appeal, you might like to consider:

  • Volunteering
  • Emailing your friends/business colleagues/family members asking them to support our work
  • Praying for young people who are struggling and those who journey with them
  • Donating directly

Contact Anne Harlow or John Robinson on 04 477 6827 or email

Your help is greatly appreciated!

Gap Year 2020 Applications Open Now!

This year’s Gap Year is shaping up to be one of the biggest and best yet!

Since 2007 the Society of Mary and Challenge 2000 have offered a full time gap year programme based in Wellington. Each year, eight young people accept the challenge to say “yes” and spend a year at Challenge 2000 developing, growing and serving others in our community.

In 2018, an internship was also integrated to the programme, this gives young people who have recently graduated or about to graduate an opportunity to gain work experience and prepare themselves for the workforce.

If you are under 20 years of age and want more life experience, an opportunity to serve and to be part of a positive active community, then contact us and apply for our Gap Year.
Each year, there are only 8 places available for gap students and interns.