Please come along and join us at our Street Day Appeal.
Donate your time or money; tell your friends and family; pray for fine weather!
Call Megan Ratuki on 04 477 6827 or email if you can help out!
Please come along and join us at our Street Day Appeal.
Donate your time or money; tell your friends and family; pray for fine weather!
Call Megan Ratuki on 04 477 6827 or email if you can help out!
Come and join Challenge 2000 on a six day Pilgrimage to reflect on what it means to be a prophetic Catholic in Aotearoa today, to visit sacred sites, grasp social justice teachings, do some practical services and enhance leadership and community ministry skills.
The 2017 Pilgrimage will also include taking part in the Aotearoa Catholic Youth Festival in Auckland.
The Pilgrimage will be from Thursday 30th November until Wednesday 6th December 2017. Cost is $200 per person; sponsorship is available.
Challenge 2000 staff were pleasantly surprised when Michael Campbell “popped” into Challenge 2000’s staff training. Michael spoke to the staff about his upbringing and his desire/passion to succeed as a Professional Golfer. He spoke of the ups and downs of the world of professional sport. He talked about “the battle within” – he had to battle his thoughts and feelings in his career but especially in the last round of the 2005 US Golf Tournament, which he won! People had many different opinions of him throughout his career but he remained true to himself and held the belief always that he could do it. At times, he said, he had to be selfish to succeed. Staff were left in awe and inspired from his talk.
Stand out comments from Michael’s talk were:
“No matter how many times he lost his games, he just kept going and going. Out of 500 games in his career, he won 17 of them.” Ihi
“I inspired myself.” Ihi
“Everytime I failed, I learnt something. I look at failure as a learning curve.” Nic
“We’ve been given two hands – one is to receive, the other is to give.” Kerry
Challenge 2000 staff with Michael
The Campbell Cousins!
A one year programme of training, development and service, work placements, diverse experiences, and local and maybe international travel. The Gap Year offers you amazing opportunities to develop all the elements necessary for a positive, successful and balanced life.
You are also able get optional extras: a driver’s licence or defensive driving course, first aid certificate, technology training, public speaking, the development of individual skills AND you also get paid!!
So…. if you are leaving College in 2017, or are under 20 years of age and want to try something different, have additional life experiences, serve and make a difference and be part of a positive active community, then contact us and apply for 2018! There are only 8 places available.
So follow this up now!!
Opportunities like this are few and far between!
Applications close 21st November 2017
The Gap Year starts February 2018
Contact: Jacob Bang or Nicole Simson
Phone: (04) 477 6827
Tongariro Crossing
Kitty, Peter and Jennifer
Jacob and Peter at the Opening August 2017
A 400 strong crowd gathered on Saturday to celebrate the official opening of the Marist Challenge Centre at 1 Wanaka Street, Johnsonville. As the clouds parted, dignitaries who included the Prime Minister Rt. Hon Bill English, local MP’s Peter Dunne and Brett Hudson, the Wellington Mayor Justin Lester, Cardinal John Dew and Fr David Kennerley, Provincial of the Society of Mary arrived to bless and officially open our new premises.
This Centre will be a place for the people. After the plaque unveiling, Challenge staff and volunteers performed a powerful and emotionally charged haka composed by a Challenge staff member.
Commenting on the new premises Rt. Hon Bill English said, “Often when we look at the services which work with our most vulnerable they don’t show respect, they don’t look like places where we think we are putting people who are valued. And that’s what’s changing here.”
Wellington Mayor Justin Lester also acknowledged the commitment of Challenge 2000 to the capital city. “Challenge 2000 through their values of social justice, of the notion of love works, that if we put a tender arm around our young people, support them, celebrate them, we get them on the right path”, he said.
Cardinal John Dew gave thanks for the work of Challenge 2000 as it stands up for others, teaches, encourages and supports vulnerable youth and families. He prayed that Challenge 2000 would always be a light in the darkness.
Following the formalities, young and old, past and present staff and volunteers shared a lunch at the Johnsonville Community Centre, reliving memories of Challenge 2000 and celebrating what the future now holds for Challenge 2000 and the young people of Wellington and Aotearoa New Zealand. A big thank you to those that came to celebrate the Opening and for the many different ways you contribute to the work of Challenge 2000 over the past 30 years. Love works!
Dignity, Responsibility, Justice, Love
The 2017 Challenge 2000 Charity Dinner was held in Wellington on Friday 9th June, raising money for vitally needed families and young people who we work with.
The highlight of the night was the moving and inspiring stories from young people who have found hope, community and an opportunity to serve others through their involvement with Challenge 2000. “No story is the same” said Challenge 2000 Director Steve O’Connor, “each person who shared their experience during the dinner came from very different circumstances but they all spoke with profound depth about the role Challenge has played in their lives.”
Challenge 2000 is preparing to move into a new home at 1 Wanaka Street, Johnsonville which has been purchased by the Society of Mary as a further sign of their unwavering commitment to youth, families and those who struggle. Kitty McKinley, Challenge 2000 Founder, explained that “the moved into this new building will allow our staff and volunteers to have the space needed to better serve the community.” Challenge begins relocating into the new Centre in July and made an appeal at the Charity Dinner for donations and sponsorship for furniture and developmental resources “we are tremendously grateful for the generous spirit of our supporters and the individuals, trusts and government agencies who help make our work possible.”
Gratitude was a theme for the night and it was highlighted the important role community support plays with seeing so many long standing supporters at the dinner including people who have supported Challenge for nearly 30 years, but it was also very heartening to see new supporters who are helping Challenge to grow and meet the very significant demands for our services.
Family worker Lynley Goodisson, Youth workers Te Poiakino Hohua and Mapihi Kelland laid the tunes for the night and the amazing staff at “The Pines” kept everyone well fed. The Hurricanes were playing at the same time but to the credit of all those attending the night, including the MC Alex Ness (Hurricanes fanatic), the most important place to be was the Challenge 2000 Charity Dinner.
Thank you to The Pines, to all those who worked to put together a successful evening and mainly to those that attended. Your presence was our present! Much gratitude!
Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) is a weekend residential experience for youth aged 14-16 years designed to develop skills that will assist them in the transition to adulthood. Participants are involved in a variety of workshops and activities, which provide an opportunity for them to personally develop, gain self confidence, communication skills, challenge themselves, build friendships, and develop life skills.
Challenge 2000 would like to thank Johnsonville Rotary for sponsoring two of our young people who went along this year.
“It was a wonderful experience and I made a lot of new friends and learnt a lot of life long advice. Personally, this camp has been one of my best experiences and I cannot thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to go on it.” D
“I enjoyed it so much and made so many new friends who I already miss. It was such a fantastic experience and it has helped me with how I see myself and how I see others.” A