Challenge 2000 has many helping hands who work in the background and/or in the frontline. We wouldn’t be who we are without all our willing volunteers. We appreciate their service and dedication to us and social justice in Aotearoa New Zealand.
There are so many different ways to get involved as a volunteer and support our mission, we always welcome new volunteers who each bring their own special skill set. Here is a snapshot of what our volunteers get up to when they help us out!
- Donating dollars or food, clothes, cars, baby gear, trailers, weed eaters, sports gear
- Answering phones, filing and completing administration tasks
- Tutoring or coaching
- Promoting our work
- Providing meals for our young people in the youth houses
- Facilitating any of our youth programmes
- Running youth groups for young people
- Teaching Te Reo, kapa haka or drama
- Driving or collecting young people or mums so that they can get to appointments
- Writing research papers or evaluating our programmes
- Leading our outdoor programmes or providing one-off input on specialist areas
- Using professional skills e.g. legal, accounting, technology, word processing, publishing to make our life easier and less expensive OR by supporting some of our families/clients
- Inviting us to training events or social opportunities
- Sponsoring tickets to events – sporting – drama – orchestra – away trips…. anything that enables participation of those who are excluded from some of the WOW moments of life.
We are extremely thankful to all our volunteers. Special thanks to the professionals who support us by gifting their expertise. An example of this in the Wellington region we have the support of Lucie Scott, Brett Crowley, Gerard Dewar and Lousie Sziranyi who ensure our young people and those on the margins of society receive excellent legal representation. We also have a number of retired professionals who offer their time to support our young people achieve their goals – for example we have Roger the driving instructor extraordinaire who has supported dozens if young people to gain their restricted and full drivers licenses.