Thank you to all our social workers, social work students and youth and community workers on the work they do to support personal, familial and community transformation in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Thank you for the love you show, the skills, knowledge and commitment that you share and the energy and passion that you put into your mahi.
Thank you for the personal sacrifices you make for others, the burdens that you bear and the way that you all show up time and time again to support, heal, redirect, distract, develop and grow belief and hope in others.
Challenge 2000 and our extended whānau are grateful and so proud of the huge contribution you all make to bring about the dream and reality of social justice, social responsibility and personal dignity for all people in our Island nation.
PLEASE show gratitude for our staff and whanau today.
Spread the love! Spread the Justice. Spread the Hope.
Aroha mai – Aroha atu!