Mates & Dates is a Healthy Relationships program for Secondary Students Years 9 to Years 13. The program aims to reduce sexual and dating violence by helping young people acquire the knowledge and skills to engage in safe, respectful and healthy relationships based on the personal dignity of all people. We also focus on healthy relationships with peers, whānau, and society in general.

This term, we’ve continued the modules that we started in Term I, pre-COVID-19. Next term, we hope to be busy again delivering more modules in secondary schools in the Wellington Region. It’s a privilege to be a part of students’ lives, serving them and their families via this really important program.
Straight off the press from a couple of our facilitators…
“After COVID-19 forced a break in our Mates & Dates curriculum, we have finally been able to ease back into the schools to finish old, and begin new, modules. The situation that lockdown forced us into has created an excellent point to stop and reflect, and to look forward with new learning. Having discussions with the rangatahi in schools in regards to how lockdown affected their well-being and communication styles has allowed us to have great conversations around relationships and how we will communicate going forward.“
Aidan Ritchie is a Challenge 2000 Youth Worker and Mates & Dates Facilitator
“It’s so good to be back in the colleges delivering such an important program. One of the things that I really enjoy about being a Mates & Dates facilitator is being able to be part of creating an environment where the rangatahi we’re engaging with feel safe and supported enough to fully participate and as a result, we have some really awesome group discussions. Every class is unique and I like how that keeps us facilitators on our toes!“
Anh-Dao Pham is a Challenge 2000 Youth Worker and Mates & Dates Facilitator