Kerry, our Food Distribution Centre Coordinator, writes about a typical COVID-19 lockdown day:

“Yesterday started with administrative tasks relating to my normal job as a college social worker. I then met with the Food Distribution Team via Zoom.
Following up on the meeting, I e-mailed some polite requests for donations before heading off to Moore Wilsons to purchase some staple supplies. Thank goodness I didn’t have to wait in line too long!
Arriving back at headquarters, our ‘admin. Extraordinaire’ Anya had the list for parcels to be made up which my faithful side-kick Anne and I started working through.

Next thing, a delivery of rice arrived… Anne and I helped Felise (the muscle of the team) and Jeff unload two pellets of 20kg sacks…and sacks…and sacks of rice, which we stacked in the Parish Hall.
Then, out to deliver some of the food parcels. I use the classic “drop, knock and run” method of delivery, which inevitably results in the recipient answering the door when I am half-way back to my car “bubble”. The genuine gratitude expressed – both for the kai, and for the “visit” – is profound.

I, too, leave with my heart over-flowing with gratitude. I am very thankful to be part of the Challenge 2000 whānau, which reaches out to the vulnerable in our community every day, but especially so during this uncertain and unprecedented time.”