Ko te Aroha te hoe ue e whakatere ana te waka ki uta.
Love is the steering paddle directing the waka to shore.
Love will take us to where we should be.
A documentary looking at the 30 year history of Challenge 2000 is set to premiere on Māori Television this Sunday 21st July at 7.30pm.
The documentary, Aroha Noa, directed by Dr Sinead Donnelly, traces the history and growth of, what was then, Challenge ’89. The vision back then was the image of a house where those who have enough will come through the back door and those with nothing will come through the front door. Inside they will meet and help each other.
In the documentary, people who have been helped by Challenge 2000 over the years up to the present day tell their unique and moving stories. It is a beautiful documentary and a wonderful chance to see so many of the people who have made Challenge what it is today, and so many of the success stories that we have been able to contribute to. This year Challenge 2000 cares for 6,000 young people with 14 social workers, 15 youth workers, with involvement in 6 secondary schools in Porirua and the Hutt Valley, running 5 residential youth houses.
Aroha Noa screens at 7.30pm this Sunday, 21st July, on Māori Television.