On Friday we had a large turnout of young people as we hosted a few of the Hurricanes’ boys as part of our ongoing community partnership 2019 here at Challenge 2000.

The morning started off with a Q&A session led by the lads; Peter Umaga-Jensen, Fraser Armstrong and Wes Goosen. The guys were very engaging and, after some initial shyness, the questions were coming in thick and fast around goal setting, overcoming difficulties and getting ready for upcoming games, proving more informative than an episode of The Breakdown!

The boys then put our young people through their paces in a skills and training session across the road at Alex Moore Park, where we uncovered some local talent – both known and some surprises!

Our thanks go out again to the Hurricanes for choosing us as community partners, and taking time out of their very busy schedules to spend time with our staff and young leaders (and putting them through their paces on the turf!).