Introduction to Odyssey 2018
Odyssey is a youth programme led by Challenge 2000 Staff and young people. The programme is aimed at providing leadership and faith development, as well as providing the Sacraments for those who may have missed out. In the second week of the Odyssey, we focused on the importance of trust. We began with some fun games to break the ice in the group. This was followed by an introduction to what trust is, how we gain it and how we use it in our everyday lives without even knowing. The group was then relaxed by a quick meditation exercise.

The blindfold walk!
The big group was then split into 3 different groups where we discussed in small groups who we trusted the most in our lives and why. The way it was done made it closer and more intimate, it was also a great way for our young people to bond more closely. One of the more popular activities was the blindfold walk. Here, participants were blindfolded and guided to a destination by their partner. Trust was a key aspect in the blindfold walk as the blindfolded young person had to put their faith in the directions given to them by their partner.

The trust fall..
The final activity was a trust fall, however, instead of just backwards, it was both back and forth! The person falling would fall back and then be pushed back and forth between partners. The trust fall activity saw to much joy and laughter from all the young people. The session was wrapped up with some feedback from the participants on what they had learnt and picked up from the night’s activities. Food was of course provided before the young people departed. This was a nice way for newly found friends to farewell each other and look forward to their next meeting.
By Aaron Itinteang, Odyssey Leader