Please help us to provide some summer employment for keen young people

We have young people who are keen to work…we have community jobs for them to do under the guidance of our missions man Felise.

Service workWe need a generous benefactor or seven to make some small donations so we can pay them to work. What a great Christmas present that would be!! Young people working for a month – having a purpose – earning some money – benefiting the community.

We would be really grateful if you could possibly make a donation towards these workers wages.

Alternatively, if you need something done around your house, or garden you could employ this able bodied, highly talented team and they’ll be there to help you!


Our bank account details are: Challenge 2000, 01-0519-0057660-00

Or else….please contact Felise on 04 477 0338, or 021 920 046 or Paula on 04 477 6827